University of Nottingham

Following the formation of the UK Space Agency, there will be some changes to how STFC / the Agency will peer review space projects.

From 1st September 2010 Statements of Interest should be sent directly to the UK Space Agency. These should be emailed to Terri-Lynn Walker who can also provide further information about the expected content of the SOI. The Agency Science Programme Advisory Committee (SPAC) will review the SOI and the Agency will provide feedback to applicants on whether or not a full proposal be invited. STFC Particle Physics Astronomy and Nuclear Physics Science Committee (PPAN) will also provide strategic scientific advice to the Agency.

The STFC PPRP will continue to peer review full proposals for space projects. The UKSA programme managers will provide guidance to applicants on the deadline for the submission of the full proposal to PPRP together with any strategic guidance from UK Space Agency SPAC. Full proposals will be expected in the format required by PPRP and further information about this and the peer review process may be found on the STFC website. PPRP will report to the Agency SPAC on the peer review of space projects. STFC PPAN will be informed of the details of the peer review as well as the outcome.

The UK Space Agency will inform applicants directly about any funding decisions.

If you require further information about the changes to this process please contact eitherRosemary Young (UK Space Agency) or Victoria Wright (STFC).



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