This initial call is for funding schemes under the Collaborative R & D category. Large companies are encouraged to collaborate and contribute to projects. They may be paid for working as collaborators and provision of services within these projects, but cannot receive direct project funding. The same applies to companies (SMEs or non) and HEIs outside the East Midlands region.
Projects should demonstrate the potential for leverage of additional funding and / or show prospects for future commercial exploitation as outlined below.
The scheme supports:
• Collaborative R & D projects based upon the themes of the call, led by SMEs with the strong involvement of HEI(s). It will promote the value added to both HEIs and SMEs of collaboration and provide visible examples of the regions innovative capacity. Funding is limited to 80% of the costs of the project. Costs must meet ERDF guidelines on eligibility and calculation.
• Collaborative R & D projects based upon the themes of the call, between two or more higher education institutions in the East Midlands and should encourage SME participation. Funding is limited to 80% of the costs of the project. Costs must meet ERDF guidelines on eligibility and calculation. Projects are expected to leverage in three times the value of the fund from other public or private bodies.
The overall aim is to deliver sustainable competitive advantage for the region and strengthen the ability of the region’s HEIs to attract in additional research funds from public bodies by investing in a series of Transport R&D programmes. This is in accordance with emda’s strategic prioritisation of innovation as a key step in “developing a dynamic region founded on innovative and knowledge-based businesses competing successfully in a global economy”.
The scheme will support projects up to March 2013. Projects will be subject to subsequent evaluation, to determine the effectiveness of the programme.
Proposals will be assessed against the following outline criteria:
• Level of Innovation and relevance to the Midlands economy
• Prospects for the R &D project to generate a viable commercial project
• Willingness of the collaborators to act as a demonstrator project
• The potential for leverage of additional funding
• The capability of the SME to manage and develop the project where SME-led
For further information, please contact GRACE.