University of Nottingham

Press coverage of the UK leg of the 2013 European Satellite Navigation Competition

Read about the UKESNC in articles by the Telegraph, What Mobile, ZDNet, Techweek and the IET.

The UK leg of the ESNC opened on April 1 2013 and the database is now open. If you have a business idea that utilises satellite navigation technology enter the UKESNC mini-site on the GRACE website now. The 2013 competition has already attracted a lot of attention and links to articles are below:

Coverage received -

Techweek Europe -

ZDNet -

Engineering and Technology -

What Mobile  -

Future coverage expected

  • ITProPortal – podcast interview
  • Space UK – article will appear in July issue of the magazine
  • Geoconnexion – article will appear in May edition
  • Space Flight –  article will appear in next edition
  • Cable & Satellite International – article will appear in next newsletter

Interviews conducted

  • Techweek Europe
  • What Mobile
  • ITProPortal
  • ZDNet
  • Wall Street Journal Europe
  • Geoconnexion
  • Space Flight

Posted on Tuesday 9th April 2013


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