University of Nottingham

Glossaries and Tutorials

What is Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Simulation?

The primary aim of this paper will be to explain what a GNSS simulator does and to present some of the key design questions and solutions for testing navigation and positioning systems under controlled laboratory conditions using simulation techniques.

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Why Simulate? What is a GNSS Simulator?

For GNSS to succeed as a state-of-the-art technology, the design of the various parts of the system - in particular GNSS receivers - must be of a high standard that ensures reliable performance.

To enable this, it is important that the product development process is based on proper testing from concept to production. This White Paper discusses this testing, and why RF simulation - which has been the standard method for over 20 years – should be the chosen method. It also explains the concept of simulation and gives examples of different simulators for different test applications.

This White Paper sets out to provide designers, developers, integrators and testers of GNSS receivers or systems an overview of the technical benefits offered by GNSS simulation and explain the cost benefits to procurement managers, project managers and financial managers who need to construct business cases for projects involving GNSS technologies.

Download a PDF 'Why Simulate? What is a GNSS Simulator?' PDF file icon

A guide to GNSS

This comprehensive guide gives you a detailed introduction to GNSS and GPS. It covers the first principle of what they are all about, how they work and what you can use them for.

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Navigation acronyms, abbreviations and definitions

What a glossary! Every acronym, abbreviation, and definition you may find about navigation technologies, can be found in this comprehensive 134 pages glossary from RIN (Royal Institute of Navigation).

Download a PDF 'Navigation acronyms, abbreviations and definitions' PDF file icon


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