Browse by subject "Urbanisation"

Records found: 27

A case study on participatory budgeting in Latin America

Approximately 30 slides covering definitions, process, benefits and costs of participatory budgeting.  

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Author Rice, M
Type Presentation
Subject Urbanisation   
Tags economy   latin america   community participation   
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A framework for the study of urban health


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Author Baqui, A et al
Type Presentation
Subject Urbanisation   
Tags urbanisation   population change   demography   
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Ageing and Urbanization: Can Cities be Designed to Foster Active Ageing?


The world is currently experiencing two major demographic transitions: the ageing of populations, particularly in low and middle income countries, and urbanization. This paper briefly summarizes current theories on how the urban environment may influence the health and quality of life of an older person, reviews epidemiologic studies that have investigated this relationship, and highlights urban initiatives that foster active and healthy ageing. The review identified an extensive body of research consistent with an association between the health of an older person and the physical, social and economic environment in which they live. However, most research in this field has been cross-sectional, and interpretation has been difficult due to numerous methodological limitations, particularly the risk of social selection biases. More recently, a growing number of longitudinal studies have identified associations consistent with previous cross-sectional research, adding weight to these findings. In the last two years alone, at least thirteen new longitudinal studies examining these issues have been reported, with ten having positive findings. Unfortunately, few of these studies can yet point to specific pathways that may be amenable to intervention. Concurrent with this research, a number of sizable programmes have been developed to make urban environments more supportive of older people. Both theory and the epidemiologic evidence appear to justify the optimism of these initiatives, although little evaluation has yet been undertaken of their impact.

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Author John R Beard, MBBS, PhD, Charles Petitot, MD, MPH
Type Article
Subject Urbanisation   
Tags ageing   neighbourhood   urban   socioeconomic   
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Can Global Wealth Lead To Global Health?

Global Health or International Health has become a trendy term and many academic centres have evolved around this ‘Global’ theme. Is it the emergence of new infectious diseases such as SARS, or the re-emergence of old infectious diseases such as Avian Flu (H5N1) and Swine Flu (H1N1) that drives this global action on health? Should global health focus on the provision of medical aid to low-income countries? And finally, is the training of health care workers in low-income countries a priority area, as it helps to build the capacity of health care systems to respond to various health challenges more effectively and efficiently?

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Author Prof. Albert Lee
Type Website
Subject Global economy and health   Urbanisation   
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Community Health Coallitions in Urban Nigeria, 1994-2005

Approximately 70 slides covering definitions, characteristics and sustainability of coalitions and specifically Community Partners for Health in Nigeria.  Also includes coalitions as tools of female empowerement.

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Subject Urbanisation   
Tags gender   nigeria   health infrastructure   
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Feeding cities

Explores the various perspectives of global health held by different generations.

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Author Brieger, W
Type Presentation
Subject Urbanisation   Climate change and sustainability   Global economy and health   Poverty and inequality   
Tags climate change   food   Poverty   agriculture   Nutrition   aid   
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Global urbanisation: trends, patterns, determinants, and impacts

Over 40 slides examining the demography, causes and particular challenges of urbanisation in less developed countries.

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Author Baqui, A et al
Type Presentation
Subject Urbanisation   
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Health Consequences of Population Changes in Asia: What Are the Issues?

This report is part of an ongoing process that will help the MetaCentre and scholars of the region better understand the important research questions which address health and population change in the Asian context. It developed from discussions that took place during a two-day workshop, entitled “Health Consequences of Population Changes in Asia: What are the Issues,” held in conjunction with the First IUSSP Southeast Asia Regional Conference, in Bangkok, Thailand, 13-4 June, 2002. The workshop was organized by the MetaCentre with support from the Wellcome Trust. The workshop brought together regional experts from a variety of disciplines to discuss the important issues related to population change and health and possible approaches toward addressing these issues. 

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Type Paper
Subject Population growth   Population migration and health   Urbanisation   
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Healthy Open Spaces

This information paper outlines the connections between health and wellbeing, and urban open spaces. In addition, it summarises the relationship between open space in relation to physical and mental health, and environmental, economic, social and cultural wellbeing. This paper aims to nform and support the work of local and regional authorities, urban planners and developers, public health practitioners and community groups as we plan for sustainable and healthy cities. 

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Subject Urbanisation   
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Impact of Modernization on Family and Mental Health in South Asia

This paper looks into the following determinants of change in family structure caused by modernization (within the context of the South Asian population):

1. Population changes

2. Migration

3. Demographic ageing and retirement

4. Impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic on the family

5. Globalization

6. Effects of major trends on social functions of families


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Author R.C. Jiloha
Type Paper
Subject Urbanisation   
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Increasing Longevity in Asia: Social and Economic Implications

Outline of presentation content:

  • Introduction 
  • Demographic changes 
  • Ageing and health 
  • Ageing and climate change 


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Type Presentation
Subject Climate change and sustainability   Population growth   Urbanisation   
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mpact of Urbanization on Healthy Living with Dr. Afaf I. Meleis

More than half of the world's population lives in cities. About half of those in cities are women and girls. What is the impact of urbanization on healthy living, especially for women? With Dr. Afaf I. Meleis, Dean of the U of Penn School of Nursing. 

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Type Video
Subject Gender and health   Urbanisation   
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Overview of Urbanisation in India

Historically, cities have been the driving force in economic and social development. At present approximately 307 million Indians lives in nearly 3700 towns and cities spread across the country. This is 30.5% of its population, in sharp contrast to only 60 millions (15%) who lived in urban areas in 1947 when the country became Independent. During the last fifty years the population of India has grown two and half times, but Urban India has grown by nearly five times. In numerical terms, India's urban population is second largest in the world after China, and is higher than the total urban population of all countries put together barring China, USA and Russia.

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Subject Urbanisation   
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Selected strategies to improve access to and quality of urban primary health care

Over 60 slides on methods of improving health service mix and quality using Bangladeshi and Cambodian case studies. Includes: an outline of operation research methods, needs assessment, NGO versus government provision, and health care expenditure.

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Author Baqui, A
Type Presentation
Subject Urbanisation   
Tags bangladesh   cambodia   Poverty   service users   service design   NGO   
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The burden of urban ill-health from road transport in developing countries

A long and detailed slide set examining the relationship between road transport and health in less developed nations. Covering: air and noise pollution, road traffic accidents and the nature and distribution of road traffic induced morbidity.

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Author Hyder, A
Type Presentation
Subject Urbanisation   Climate change and sustainability   
Tags transport   urbanisation   pollution   road traffic accident   
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This paper presents 

in part, a tesearch report concluded early in 1986 on the impact of urbanization on the health tare of urban Nigerians in terms of availability and accessibility. The paper in addition draws from other researches of relevance to buttress its arguments

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Author Dr. Tunde AGBOLA
Type Website
Subject Urbanisation   
Tags nigeria   
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The Population Council: Research topic: Urbanization, Migration, and Climate Change

The Population Council is studying the interaction between increased urbanization and climate change. We are using geographic information system (GIS) software to map and forecast populations at risk of extreme weather events. And we are gathering data on the effects of migration on mobile populations, particularly adolescent girls.

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Type Website
Subject Climate change and sustainability   Population migration and health   Urbanisation   
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The urban environment and health in developing countries

Over 40 slides examining the impact of rapid urbanisation, the health hazards related to urban physical environmental changes and the extent of inequity in physical environment and health within urban areas.

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Author Baqui, A et al
Type Presentation
Subject Urbanisation   
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The urban social environment

A detailed and illustrated slide set examinging the features and impacts of social connectedness in families, neighbourhoods, NGOs and churches. It also examines urban governance and transneighbourhood and transregional associations.

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Author Brieger, W
Type Presentation
Subject Urbanisation   
Tags population   urbanisation   demography   gender   family   social change   Poverty   
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Threats to Global Health and Opportunities for Change: A New Global Health


The most recent phase of internationalization and globalization is characterized by the growing infl uence of non-governmental organizations that have had an impact on health. Key threats of strategic relevance for health, in addition to global warming, are the global divides in terms of demographic development and the burden of disease, social inequity, migration of populations, migration of health professionals, the inequitable terms of trade, and the consequences of the recent global monetary crisis. This paper addresses opportunities as set forth in the Millennium Development Goals, a revival of primary health care, and the necessary resetting of global aid in terms of international donor harmonization and national coordination, e.g., through a Sector Wide Approach (SWAp).

We recommend:

(1) A Global Code of Conduct for non-governmental organizations;
(2) A renewed major effort of the United Nations community to achieve the Millennium Development Goals as planned;
(3) Further development of the concept of SWAp’s to put the receiving governments into the “driver’s seat”. To this end, the achievement of the  Paris/Accra criteria is essential, i.e.,
(4) To strengthen the linkage between governments and donors with a priority for primary health care services; and
(5) To compensate the “sending” countries for basic investments in the upbringing and education of migrating professionals.

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Author Ulrich Laaser DTM&H, MPH, Leon Epstein MB ChB, MPH
Type Paper
Subject Millennium Development Goals   Urbanisation   
Tags Global health   global divides   global opportunities   international health cooperation   millennium development goals   
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Urban health in India

A long (90 slides) detailed examination of the features of urban health via two Indian case studies. Includes: population trends, rural versus urban health provision, child mortality, and infrastructure issues and slum 'invisibility'. Case studies include Agra and Indore.

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Author Moss, W
Type Presentation
Subject Urbanisation   
Tags Poverty   gender   slum   infrastructure   sociology   child mortality   demography   india   
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Urban Health in India (paper)

This paper puts forward a framework to analyse urban health. This framework conceptualises urban health as being influenced by and simultaneously influencing the characteristics of urbanisation. Urbanisation in India is seen as particularly interesting as its urban population is increasing as such a dramatic rate. 

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Subject Urbanisation   
Tags india   
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Urbanisation and the epidemiology of infectious diseases

Over 70 slides examining rates and types of infection in urban settings with a detailed focus on HIV, malaria, measles and yellow fever.

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Author Moss, W
Type Presentation
Subject Urbanisation   Communicable diseases   
Tags infection risk   urbanisation   epidemic   malaria   
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Urbanisation, gender and health (Online Discussion Report)

The purpose of the discussion was to explore the following questions, which informed each day’s interactions:

1.What are the key issues and trends in terms of urbanisation and women’s and girls’ health?

2.What interventions aim to address women’s and girls’ health in urban areas? What examples of promising practice do you see?

3.What needs to be done differently to improve health outcomes for urban women and girls? What are the policy and programmatic priorities for the future?


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Type Document
Subject Gender and health   Urbanisation   
Tags institute of development studies   
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Urbanization and caregiving: a framework for analysis and examples from southern and eastern Africa

This paper considers the role of caregiving on children's health and development with a special focus on identifying the constraints on effective caregiving in urban areas, and potential solutions. 

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Author Patrice L. Engle, Purnima Menon, James L. Garrett and Alison Slack
Type Paper
Subject Child health   Urbanisation   
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Urbanization and health in developing countries: A systematic review

We systematically searched the databases JSTOR, PubMed, ScienceDirect and SSRN for studies that compare health status in urban and rural areas. The studies had to examine selected World Health Organization health indicators.

Conclusion: Several health outcomes were correlated with urbanization in developing countries. Urbanization may improve some health problems developing countries face and worsen others. Therefore, urbanization itself should not be embraced as a solution to health problems but should be accompanied by an informed and reactive health policy.

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Author Sophie Eckert and Stefan Kohler
Type Document
Subject Urbanisation   
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Urbanization and mental health

An article which discusses the effects of urbanisation on mental health. Published Jul-Dec 2009 in the 'Industrial Psychiatry Journal'.

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Author Kalpana Srivastava
Type Article
Subject Urbanisation   
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