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Economic Evaluation Basics

After completing this course, learners will have a more complete understanding of the issues that researchers consider in conducting economic evaluations and the role of economic evaluations in policy and program decision making. - See more at:

About this resource
Type Website
Subject Global economy and health   
Tags Global Health eLearning Centre   online   online learning   online course   online resource   

Collaborating organizations involved in the development of Economic Evaluation Basics include:


Maria Au, United States Agency for International Development

Lisa Basalla, Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

David Davies-Deis, Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs

Dianna Edgil, Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator

David Hotchkiss, MEASURE Evaluation/Tulane University

Seseni Nu, ICF Macro

Vimalanand Prabhu, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Nalinee Sangrujee, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

We would also like to acknowledge the following technical reviewers for their valuable input:


Ajay Behl, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Mahmud Khan, Tulane University

Greg Russell, Office of the U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator

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