Communication with people who are agitated - Activity

Communicating with people who are agitated offers an additional challenge to health care workers.

Watch this short clip.
Write down 3 words about how you think the patient may be feeling.
2). Next write down how the healthcare assistant responds to her in order to support good communication.
3). Then click for feedback.


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Write down 3 words about how you think the patient may be feeling?

Write down how the healthcare assistant responds to the patient in order to support good communication?

You may have noticed the following: The patient is initially frustrated and angry. She doesn't understand why she is being kept in hospital. She then becomes upset. The healthcare assistant stays calm and avoids escalating the situation by being confrontational or contradictory. She is sat down and doesn't appear rushed. The good communication results in the patients being less agitated. The healthcare assistant shows empathy to the patient. She also attempts to distract the patient by asking her if she wants to go onto the bed.