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Supporting parents whose infants are at greater risk of childhood overweight

7. Physical activity and sedentary behaviour

Heavier infants are less active and overweight children are more likely to have difficulties with coordination which can lead to a cycle of inactivity.

The increased use of mobile car seats and a preference for reclining buggies rather than prams or carrycots all mean that infants have less opportunity for free movement.

Physical activity is particularly important for infants at risk of becoming overweight children because it promotes the development of physical skills, encourages sleep and helps to balance energy intake.

Strategies to increase physical activity include:

  • Regular tummy time
  • More free play on a mat
  • Monitoring and limiting time spent in car seat or stroller
  • Avoiding or limiting screen time
  • Think about parent and infant activities that promote physical activity such as swimming classes, baby sensory, music classes and other available play schemes
  • Consider providing a chart to help parents monitor and sustain a gradual increase in tummy time and reduction in sedentary activity, to download the sedentary table as a PDF use the button

Further information on Physical activity and sedentary behaviour can be found in the resources section.

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