Admission to Hospital

6. Touch

As a student nurse, Alex learnt in university that TOUCH is an important element of non-verbal communication and a way of connecting with others when building a relationship between the nurse and the patient. Using touch as part of the therapeutic relationship and communication with patients was always seen as a positive action, he didn’t realise how touch can be interpreted within a different culture or how Maria and her husband would react to her being touched by a stranger, or how this would affect their own thoughts and feelings as well as his own.

In order to avoid misinterpretations and misunderstandings, nurses should always ask the patient if it is acceptable to touch them and what their personal preferences are.

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Alex: OK then, let’s head over to my office.

Maria:(Thinks) Why did he touch me? I don't feel very comfortable with that.

Alex: I understand.

Maria:(Thinks) Why did he touch me? I don't feel very comfortable with that.

Alex: As I reviewed your clinical file I could see that this is the first time you will undergo surgery and that always causes some anxiety. It can also be intimidating for many people. What would you say you are most nervous about?