University of Nottingham

3D Development of Advanced Materials


The University of Nottingham is to lead a £6.5m research project aiming to make the leap from 2D to 3D in the development of advanced materials and realise the true potential of regenerative medicine and medical devices for future therapies.

ISAC Director Professor Morgan Alexander leads a broad multidisciplinary team of experts across the University of Nottingham which secured a £5.4 million programme grant from the Engineering and Physical Research Sciences Council (EPSRC), supplemented with £1.1 million from the University itself. This research programme will focus on the next generation of biomatierals discovery, and in particular the leap beyond 2D screening methodologies to better identify and utilise novel candidates.

For the full story on the project please click here.

Posted on Friday 15th January 2016

Interface and Surface Analysis Centre (ISAC)
