University of Nottingham

Interface and Surface Analysis for Pharmaceutical Applications


The Interface and Surface Analysis Centre's (ISAC) Dr Matthew Piggott and Dr Mischa Zelzer feature in the September/October edition of Chimica Oggi - Chemistry Today. Authors of an article titled  'Interface and surface analysis for pharmaceutical applications: challenges and recent advances' Matthew and Mischa discuss some of the current advances in the field of surface and interface analytics, and how these have been and have the potential to be applied to pharmaceutical development.

Innovation in research and development is key to the pharmaceutical sector in addressing some of the challenges it
currently faces. This review discusses these challenges in the context of pharmaceutically relevant surfaces
and interfaces. It then goes on to review recent scientific and technological advances aimed to address these challenges with examples that illustrate the capabilities of these techniques.

The article can be found via this link, or downloaded as a pdf here.

Posted on Monday 10th November 2014

Interface and Surface Analysis Centre (ISAC)
