Networkshop is the annual technical conference organised by UKERNA in association with either a Further orHigher Education Institute. Aimed at network managers and technical staff from the JANET community, the conference provides a forum for technical updates and discussions on current and developing networking technologies, bringing together expertise from all fields of networking.

Networkshop 30 is being organised by UKERNA and the University of Nottingham. It will last from lunchtime on Tuesday 26th March through to lunchtime on Thursday 28th March.

This technical workshop complements the annual JANET User Support Workshop for support staff and the Networking Strategy workshop held in December for senior level computing management.

The programme will include a mixture of plenary sessions for all delegates and parallel sessions for smaller groups. The parallel sessions can take the form of talks, discussions, demonstrations or tutorials.

In addition to the plenary and parallel sessions, there will also be an exhibition area for commercial suppliers to exhibit their products and services. As last year, it's also hoped to include a dedicated parallel session where exhibitors can also give presentations, although a straight sales pitch is discouraged.

Proposed Programme

The programme will cover a broad range of subject areas, highlighting the different aspects of networking. A typical plenary session lasts up to 90 minutes during which individual papers of between 20 and 45 minutes duration will be presented. A typical parallel session should be approximately 45 minutes duration although longer sessions could also be accommodated. After the presentations there will be time for any questions and discussion that arises.

In addition to the general developments within JANET over the past year and looking forward to the next phase of SuperJANET4, we are particularly keen to hear of any interesting projects or developments that may be of interest to the wider community, especially if any problems were encountered and details of how these were overcome.

The committee would also be very grateful for any suggestions or papers on other subjects, with specific emphasis given to the technical content.

Subject areas suggested so far include:

Above all, Networkshop is for you, so to make it a successful and hopefully enjoyable event I really want to hear what you would like to be included.


Birds of a feather sessions (BoFs), where members of the community come together to discuss common subject areas have proved a worthwhile addition to the programme over the past years. The committee recognise the benefit of these and plan to make rooms available at the end of each day for this purpose. Any group who believe they may require this facility is welcome to register their interest.

Submission of Papers

Interested authors are invited to submit an abstract of their paper with a short autobiography to the workshop organiser by 14 December 2000. All abstracts must contain the author's name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address (if available).

Please send abstracts and/or suggestions, preferably by e-mail to:

Paul Wakefield
Atlas Centre
Chilton, Didcot
OX11 0QS

Tel: 01235 822239
Fax: 01235 822399

Thank you on behalf of the committee,

Paul Wakefield

Paul Wakefield
Training Officer, UKERNA, Atlas Centre, Chilton, Didcot OX11 0QS
Tel: +44 1235 822239 Fax: +44 1235 822399 Mobile 07866 389444

Networkshop 30    University of Nottingham    UKERNA

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