PADSHE Project - University of Nottingham

Archive Index


The PADSHE Project newsletters (four to September 1999) provide a good general introduction to the scope and content of the project work in the first five universities 1996-99, with discussion of issues and mid-project perceptions by some of the people involved.

These newsletters are all in Portable Document Format (PDF) and you will need Adobe's Acrobat Reader to view them.

Project Activities in Partner Universities 1996-2000

Summary reports of key findings in the specific context of each participating university: Nottingham, Birmingham, City, Liverpool, Newcastle, Northumbria at Newcastle and Reading

Case Studies

Customisations for Joint Honours students, Part-time Masters students, Taught Postgraduate students, Mature Undergraduates and Study Abroad students

Conference Report June 1999

Keynote speech by Lord Dearing and presentations on quality assurance and lifelong learning as perceived from the business community.