Institute for Policy and Engagement

Making a success of devolution

Thursday 6th July 2023 (12:30-13:30)

Making a success of devolution:

How England’s cities and counties can best negotiate and implement devolution deals


Thursday 6 July 2023 | 12:30 – 13:30 | Park Plaza Hotel, Nottingham

Since 2014, the government and local leaders have concluded a series of devolution deals, transferring control of various budgets and functions – including over transport, skills, housing and planning – to mayoral combined authorities across much of England.

The government is continuing this process. Five new mayors are due to be elected in 2024 – in the East Midlands, North East, York and North Yorkshire, Suffolk and Norfolk. Additional powers are being devolved to Greater Manchester and the West Midlands. And a further wave of deals is expected before the 2024 general election. There is cross-party support too. Labour has committed to extending devolution if it takes office, with local areas invited to “take back control” of local public services and investment decisions.

But less attention has been paid to the practical aspects of how England’s cities and counties can most effectively negotiate and implement these devolution deals, to make the most of the opportunities devolution offers.

On 6 July in Nottingham, the University of Nottingham’s Institute for Policy and Engagement – in partnership with the Institute for Government – will launch a report on this subject, setting out advice and recommendations for those involved in making devolution work.

Event details 

After a welcome by Professor Jane Norman, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of Nottingham, Akash Paun, Programme Director at the Institute for Government, will present the report’s findings.

There will then be a discussion among panellists including:

  • Cllr Ben Bradley MP, Leader of Nottinghamshire County Council and MP for Mansfield
  • Dr Sarah Hall, Professor of Economic Geography at the University of Nottingham
  • Richard Parker, Labour Party candidate in 2024 for Mayor of the West Midlands

Following the panel discussion, there will be an opportunity for audience questions

The event will be chaired by Dr Hannah White, Director of the Institute for Government. 

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