Architecture, Culture and Tectonics Research Group
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Head of Group
Hale, Jonathan0115 95 13164Professor of Architectural TheoryEnvelope Icon
Chilton, Johnn/aEmeritus Professor Architecture & TectonicsEnvelope Icon
Associate Professors
Borsi, Katharina0115 7487274Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Davidson, Sarah0115 9513170Department Director of Education and Student Experience, Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Hanks, Laura0115 95 13181Associate Professor and Senior Tutor, Department of Architecture and Built EnvironmentEnvelope Icon
Assistant Professors
Beccarelli, Paolo0115 95 13897Associate Professor in Architectural Structures. PART 2 Programme Senior tutorEnvelope Icon
Davies, Alisonn/aAssistant Professor (Part time)Envelope Icon
Devilat, Bernadette01157487208Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Jaeger, Nils(+44) 0115 74 87438Assistant Professor in Digital Technology and ArchitectureEnvelope Icon
Kauffman, Jordann/aAssistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Ramsay, John0115 95 13133Assistant Professor, Architecture and TectonicsEnvelope Icon
Russell, Peter01158467542Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Tang, Amy0115 95 13110Assistant Professor in Architecture and Urban DesignEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Lanuza, Felipen/aResearch Fellow, Architecture Culture and Tectonics Research GroupEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Administrative Staff
Barker, Justin0115 748 4766Senior Research Portfolio AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Betts, Charlotten/aResearch AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Brookes, Claudian/aResearch AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Hards, Vickyn/aSenior Research Development ManagerEnvelope Icon
Kingsley, Rachael0115 7484712EEE Department CoordinatorEnvelope Icon
Saunders, Timn/aSenior Research and Business Development Manager in Architecture and Built EnvironmentEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Postgraduate Students
Cetin, Cemn/aEnvelope Icon
Lin, Hongyun/aEnvelope Icon
Liu, Xiaofengn/aEnvelope Icon
Saginatari, Diandran/aEnvelope Icon
Wahid, Arif Rahmann/aEnvelope Icon
Xu, Yen/aPhD student in ArchitectureEnvelope Icon
Zameem, Mahmoud07842926658Envelope Icon
Zawawi, Abdulrahmann/aPh.D. Student at the Department of Architecture and Built EnvironmentEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact


Barker, Justin0115 748 4766Senior Research Portfolio AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Beccarelli, Paolo0115 95 13897Associate Professor in Architectural Structures. PART 2 Programme Senior tutorEnvelope Icon
Betts, Charlotten/aResearch AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Borsi, Katharina0115 7487274Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Brookes, Claudian/aResearch AdministratorEnvelope Icon


Cetin, Cemn/aEnvelope Icon
Chilton, Johnn/aEmeritus Professor Architecture & TectonicsEnvelope Icon


Davidson, Sarah0115 9513170Department Director of Education and Student Experience, Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Davies, Alisonn/aAssistant Professor (Part time)Envelope Icon
Devilat, Bernadette01157487208Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon


Hale, Jonathan0115 95 13164Professor of Architectural TheoryEnvelope Icon
Hanks, Laura0115 95 13181Associate Professor and Senior Tutor, Department of Architecture and Built EnvironmentEnvelope Icon
Hards, Vickyn/aSenior Research Development ManagerEnvelope Icon


Jaeger, Nils(+44) 0115 74 87438Assistant Professor in Digital Technology and ArchitectureEnvelope Icon


Kauffman, Jordann/aAssistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Kingsley, Rachael0115 7484712EEE Department CoordinatorEnvelope Icon


Lanuza, Felipen/aResearch Fellow, Architecture Culture and Tectonics Research GroupEnvelope Icon
Lin, Hongyun/aEnvelope Icon
Liu, Xiaofengn/aEnvelope Icon


Ramsay, John0115 95 13133Assistant Professor, Architecture and TectonicsEnvelope Icon
Russell, Peter01158467542Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon


Saginatari, Diandran/aEnvelope Icon
Saunders, Timn/aSenior Research and Business Development Manager in Architecture and Built EnvironmentEnvelope Icon


Tang, Amy0115 95 13110Assistant Professor in Architecture and Urban DesignEnvelope Icon


Wahid, Arif Rahmann/aEnvelope Icon


Xu, Yen/aPhD student in ArchitectureEnvelope Icon


Zameem, Mahmoud07842926658Envelope Icon
Zawawi, Abdulrahmann/aPh.D. Student at the Department of Architecture and Built EnvironmentEnvelope Icon

Architecture, Culture and Tectonics

The University of Nottingham
Faculty of Engineering
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 74 86257