Bioengineering Research Group


LAW, J., MORRIS, D. E., IZZI-ENGBEAYA, C., SALEM, V., COELLO, C., ROBINSON, L., JAYASINGHE, M., SCOTT, R., GUNN, R., RABINER, E., TAN, T., DHILLO, W. S., BLOOM, S., BUDGE, H. and SYMONDS, M. E., 2018. Thermal Imaging Is a Noninvasive Alternative to PET/CT for Measurement of Brown Adipose Tissue Activity in Humans: Journal of Nuclear Medicine Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 59(3), 516-522

LAW, JAMES, MORRIS, DAVID E, IZZI ENGBEAYA, CHIOMA, SALEM, VICTORIA, COELLO, CHRISTOPHER, ROBINSON, LINDSAY J, JAYASINGHE, MADUKA, SCOTT, REBECCA, GUNN, ROGER, RABINER, EUGENII, TAN, TRICIA, DHILLO, WALJIT S, BLOOM, STEPHEN, BUDGE, HELEN and SYMONDS, MICHAEL E, 2017. Thermal imaging is a non-invasive alternative to PET-CT for measurement of brown adipose tissue activity in humans Journal of Nuclear Medicine.

JAMES LAW, JANE CHALMERS, DAVID E MORRIS, LINDSAY ROBINSON, HELEN BUDGE and MICHAEL E. SYMONDS, 2017. The use of infrared thermography in the measurement and characterization of brown adipose tissue activation Temperature. 01-35

L BLAXTER, D MORRIS, J CROWE, C HENRY, S HILL, D SHARKEY, H VYAS and B HAYES-GILL, 2016. An automated quasi-continuous capillary refill timing device Physiological Measurements. 37(1), 83-99

MORRIS, DAVID E, OAKLEY, JEREMY E and CROWE, JOHN A, 2014. A web-based tool for eliciting probability distributions from experts Environmental Modelling & Software. 52, 1-4

MORRIS, DAVID E, BOYD, DOREEN S, CROWE, JOHN A, JOHNSON, CAROLINE S and SMITH, KARON L, 2013. Exploring the Potential for Automatic Extraction of Vegetation Phenological Metrics from Traffic Webcams Remote Sensing. 5(5), 2200-2218

MORRIS, DAVID E, MATHER, MELISSA L, SIMON, CARL G and CROWE, JOHN A, 2012. Time-optimized X-ray micro-CT imaging of polymer based scaffolds Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials. 100(2), 360-367

MORRIS, D. E., MARTIN, J. L., SHARPLES, S. and CROWE, J. A., 2011. Assisting medical device developers with user research: A new interactive tool

ZHANG, JING, MORRIS, DAVID, SOTTILE, VIRGINIE, CROWE, JOHN, SOMEKH, MIKE and MATHER, MELISSA, 2011. Non-invasive, label free, quantitative characterisation of live cells in monolayer culture In: Functional Optical Imaging (FOI), 2011. 1-2

RABI AM, MATHER ML, MORRIS DE, CHANDRA A and CROWE JA, 2010. Wireless monitoring system for cell culture processes In: TERMIS-EU, Galway, Ireland, June 2010.

MORRIS, DAVID EDWARD, 2009. Quantitative spectrophotometry on scattering media

MATHER, MELISSA L, MORGAN, STEVE P, MORRIS, DAVID E, ZHU, QUN, KEE, JASMIN, ZOLADEK, ALINA, CROWE, JOHN A, NOTINGHER, IOAN, WILLIAMS, DAVID J and JOHNSON, PENNY A, 2009. Raman spectroscopy and rotating orthogonal polarization imaging for non-destructive tracking of collagen deposition in tissue engineered skin and tendon In: SPIE BiOS: Biomedical Optics. 71790A-71790A

MORRIS, DAVID E, MATHER, MELISSA L and CROWE, JOHN A, 2009. Generation and simulated imaging of pseudo-scaffolds to aid characterisation by X-ray micro CT Biomaterials. 30(25), 4233-4246

MORRIS, DAVID E, STOCKFORD, IAN M and CROWE, JOHN A, 2008. Determination of the validity of spectrophotometric measurements based upon cumulants of the temporal point-spread function Optics letters. 33(12), 1339-1341

STOCKFORD, IAN M, LU, BO, CROWE, JOHN A, MORGAN, STEPHEN P and MORRIS, DAVID E, 2007. Reduction of error in spectrophotometry of scattering media using polarization techniques Applied spectroscopy. 61(12), 1379-1389
Displaying 16 to 30 of 32

Bioengineering Research Group

The University of Nottingham
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telephone: +44 (0) 115 84 66375