Staff at the Centre of Evidence-Based Dermatology have been saddened at the news of how the commissioning arrangements for adult dermatology services have now resulted in a fragmented service with imminent loss of an emergency and acute dermatology service at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. The substantial loss of highly respected consultant dermatology colleagues from the Trust means that much of the training of young dermatologists, medical student teaching and local research will be drastically reduced or cease at this teaching hospital – a hospital once famous for its high quality teaching and integrated dermatology service. The School of Medicine will ensure that medical students continue to receive high standard teaching in dermatology by working with our other key partner Trusts to help deliver this aspect of training.
Thankfully, our research centre works with clinical colleagues from all over the UK and abroad, so our high quality research will continue to remain very strong with clinical partners outside of Nottingham.
News story: Independent today
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