The Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology is pleased to announce that we are going to produce free monthly CEBD Evidence Updates, with the first planned in early May. These free updates are the first step in out aim of developing a CEBD Evidence Network, to bring together users of research evidence in dermatology.
CEBD Evidence Updates will highlight new guidelines, systematic reviews and evidence summaries in dermatology, along with new CEBD publications and other key publications that have caught our eye here in the CEBD.
To sign up for CEBD Evidence Updates, please e-mail, stating your affiliation, role and location (so we monitor the impact of the service).
Alternatively, you can join via the registration page on the JISCMail web site, where you can see the archive of previous updates:
If you have colleagues (trainees and residents in particular) who you think might like to receive our CEBD Evidence Updates, please let them know.
We hope you enjoy our new service and find it useful for putting evidence into practice.
Posted on Thursday 23rd April 2015