Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology

Survey results - learning about evidence-based dermatology


The results are now available from the Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology's questionnaire-based survey, designed to evaluate attitudes towards an online course in evidence-based dermatology. The survey took place in July to September 2015 and was sent to (i) health-care professionals/researchers with an interest in dermatology, nationally and internationally, and (ii) undergraduate medical students across the UK. A total of 208 and 142 submissions respectively were received from these two groups. We were delighted with the number of responses and would like to thank everyone who took part.

Of the 208 healthcare professionals/researchers, 80% said they would, or maybe would, sign up for an online course which was self-contained (i.e. self-pacing and without interaction with peers/tutors). The most popular topics were critical appraisal and literature searching. Of the 142 medical students who responded, 72.7% said they would be willing to participate in a free, short, self-contained online course. When asked about the type of components that make a good e-learning package, online quizzes and video-based tutorials were the most popular. We also obtained information on the amount of money people would be willing to pay and the length of time they considered reasonable for online sessions to last.

Following the survey, we are now in the process of developing a free 10 minute online critical appraisal package in the area of dermatology. Following evaluation of this prototype, we will then go on to develop a 1 hour online package with modules in critical appraisal, literature searching, study design and statistical analysis related to evidence-based dermatology. So please watch this space! In the meantime, if you would like any further information regarding our plans please do not hesitate to contact us at cebd@nottingham.ac.uk.

Posted on Tuesday 10th November 2015

Centre of Evidence Based Dermatology

The University of Nottingham
Applied Health Research Building
University Park, Nottingham

telephone: +44 (0) 115 84 68631
email: cebd@nottingham.ac.uk