Words for Walls
Welcome to Words for Walls
Words for Walls is a new initiative to display poems by local writers and young people in public spaces and on public transport across the city of Nottingham.
Have you spotted a poem in a public space in Nottingham? Pin it to our interactive map, below, or discuss the poems you've seen with others!
See how many of our poems you can find!
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More about the project
Established in May 2016, Words for Walls is led by two research students at the University of Nottingham. Poems by young people aged 16-21 and local writers will be on display across the city of Nottingham from November 2016.
Find out more
The poems
The first wave of poems has now been selected, and a set of beautiful posters have been created for display around the city. Browse our poster gallery to see which poems you might be able to spot around Nottingham.
View the poems
Image gallery
Poems are currently on display in a number of fantastic locations across Nottingham, including Broadway Cinema, Nottingham Contemporary, and Five Leaves Bookshop, to name just a few. Have a look at our image gallery to see the poems in situ.
View the gallery
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Supported by
We'd like to thank the following groups for their generous support:

Terms and conditions
Read our terms and conditions
Poems submitted via HistoryPin or email must be the original work of the author, and must not have been previously published, broadcast or submitted to another competition. You will be notified by 1 October 2016 if your work is selected to be displayed as part of the project. The organisers’ decision about which poems to display is final, and no correspondence will be entered into concerning this decision. In order for your work to be considered for display the ‘Young People’ category, you must be at least 16 years of age, and under 21 years of age, on 1 October 2016.
Entry can be made via email or HistoryPin. The copyright of each poem remains with the author. Authors will grant Words for Walls and the University of Nottingham permission to publish or broadcast their poems.
Any data your give us (for example, your name, age or email address) will be stored and processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act. It will not be used except for the purposes of this project. Words for Walls and the University of Nottingham are not responsible for the content or policies of external websites, including Historypin.
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