Centre for Dementia

Seminar: 'Our biggest killer': Multimodal discourse representations of dementia in the British media

Institute of Mental Health (Ground Floor)
Thursday 13th July 2017 (11:30-12:30)
To register your attendance or for further information please email: jill.charlton@nottingham.ac.uk  

Centre for Dementia Seminar Series 2017

Speaker:  Dr Neil Chadborn (School of Medicine, University of Nottingham), Dr Gavin Brookes  and Dr Kevin Harvey (both from School of English, University of Nottingham)

Title: 'Our biggest killer’: Multimodal discourse representations of dementia in the British media

Date and time: Thursday 13th July, 11.30am – 12.30pm

Venue: Room A08, Institute of Mental Health, Triumph Road


Dementia is now ‘the leading cause of death’ according to the Office of National Statistics (2016). Ever fixated with the newsworthy topic of dementia, the British press was quick to respond. Headlines referred to dementia as the nation’s ‘biggest killer’, while (re)formulating other aspects of the report in distorting and emotive metaphorical terms. We examined the linguistic and visual semiotic features of news stories as they portray dementia as an agentive entity; a ‘killer’ which remorselessly attacks its ‘victims’. Such a sensationalist and emotive representation not only framed dementia as a dreaded, devastating disease, but also, crucially, obscured the social context in which the syndrome is understood and experienced (not least by people with dementia themselves).

Whilst it's no surprise that front page news stories are presented in stark categorical terms, it is still deeply frustrating and unsettling when the public is exposed to stories that lurch from one extreme of ‘scientists on verge of breakthrough cure’ to ‘terminal illness, no hope’ on the other. This emotive type of representation not only fails to address the ageist misinformation and common misunderstandings that surround dementia, but also exacerbates the stress and depression frequently experienced by people with dementia and their families.

All welcome to attend!

Centre for Dementia

The University of Nottingham
Institute of Mental Health
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

telephone: +44 (0) 115 823 0421