Tom Dening qualified in Medicine at Newcastle University in 1980. After postgraduate training in Psychiatry in Cambridge and Oxford, he was appointed as Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry in Cambridge in 1991. He was Clinical Director for Older People's Mental Health Services from 1991-2001. From 1999-2002, he was seconded part time to the Department of Health as a Senior Professional Adviser, including work on the National Service Framework for Older People. Between 2002 and the end of 2011, he was Medical Director for Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Partnership Trust (2002-08) and Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust (2008-11), whilst continuing in active clinical practice as a Consultant. He was the Executive Director responsible for Research & Development within CPFT, and led the Old Age theme within the Cambridgeshire & Peterborough NIHR CLAHRC from 2008-2012. He was appointed to the Chair in Dementia Research from October 2012. His research interests include epidemiological studies of very old people, mental health services for older people, and mental health in care homes. He is one of the editors of the Oxford Textbook of Old Age Psychiatry, the leading international text on the subject.
Expertise Summary
Tom is the head of the Centre for Dementia in the Institute of Mental Health at Nottingham. With over 20 years experience as a Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry, he is currently an Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist with Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS FoundationTrust. Extensive NHS management and leadership experience, including participation in the NHS Top Leaders programme.
Teaching Summary
I represent the Division of Psychiatry & Applied Psychology for the Health care of Later Life module in the BMedSci course.
Research Summary
2024-25 NIHR Research for Patient Benefit (ref NIHR205376)
CAPPPeD: Pain phenotyping in community-dwelling people living with dementia: a cross-sectional study with nested qualitative interviews to evaluate self-reported central aspects of pain and neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia (CAPPPeD).
PI: Dr Jemima Collins TD: co-applicant (2%)
2014-23 NIHR Programme Grant (ref RP-PG-0612-004)
Achieving Quality and Effectiveness in Dementia care Using Crisis Teams (AQUEDUCT)
PI: Professor Martin Orrell TD: co-applicant (3%)
2022-24 NIHR Clinical Research Network East Midlands
Overcoming barriers to participation in dementia and hearing loss research for under-served groups: generation of a workforce development toolkit
Heffernan E (PI), Dening T, Broome E, Henshaw H
2022-23 NIHR Clinical Research Network East Midlands
Developing a strategic direction for dementia and hearing loss (DHL) research
PIs: Dr Helen Henshaw and TD
Current PhDs
Juliana Mohamed. Back to the root, caring for the future: implementation of intergenerational care-home in Malaysia.
Aysegul Kafadar. Comparing the determinants underlying covid-19 vaccination between people with young onset dementia and their peers without dementia in the United Kingdom.
Surinder Bangar. Making stories: exploring creative storytelling in the lives of people with dementia and their carers.
Jesper Bøgmose Hansen. On becoming a person: Challenging dehumanization of people living with advanced dementia. University of Roskilde, Denmark.
Ke Chen. Research on semi-supervised machine learning algorithm for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus.
Yiming Zhang. Deep learning-based automated and objective assessment of operative skill in surgery. University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus.
Juntao Zhang. University of Nottingham Ningbo Campus.