Research has identified and examined the geographies of new forms of knowledge and learning that play a central role in shaping the contemporary global economy.
Expert knowledge and the geographies of work, regulation and consumption
Firstly, we focus on global elite labour markets and explore emergent and powerful actors and practices within the global economy. Secondly, research is focusing on the disintermediatory effects of digitally-mediated technologies and the restructuring of hierarchies between producers and consumers.
Recent publications
- Hall, S, (2017) '(Post)graduate education markets and the formation of mobile transnational economic elites', In Gluckler et al. (eds) Knowledge and Networks, Springer, 103-116.
- Langmead, K. (2017) 'From cooperative practice to research and back: Learning from the emotional experience of ethnography with two social enterprises', Social Enterprise Journal, 13(2).
- Langmead, K. (2017) 'Challenging the degeneration thesis: the role of democracy in worker cooperatives?', Journal of Entrepreneurial and Organizational Diversity, 5(1):79-98.
New spatialities of knowledge and socioeconomic regulation
Empirical work in a range of settings including the music industry, China, Ukraine, the alternative economy, fashion, consumption and retail has theoretically examined the connection and/or tensions between different types of economic knowledge and regulatory policies.
Recent publications
- Lim, K.F. (2017) 'On the shifting spatial logics of socioeconomic regulation in post-1949 China', Territory, Politics, Governance, 5(1): 65-91.
- Crewe, L. (2016) 'Placing Fashion: Art, luxury and space', Progress in Human Geography, 40(4): 511-529.
- Lim, K.F. and Horesh, N. (2016) 'The Chongqing vs. Guangdong developmental 'models' in post-Mao China: Regional and historical perspectives on the dynamics of socioeconomic change', Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, Online First.