Education Division

Our people

The Education team here at the University of Nottingham’s School of Life Sciences is a diverse, collaborative group of acadmics, all working together to review and improve the ways we teach.

Image of Beverley Allan

Beverley Allan

Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



Since receiving my PhD in Atmospheric Chemistry from the University of East Anglia, I continued with my research into the role of halogen chemistry in the marine boundary layer for a number of years before joining the power industry as an atmospheric modeller. I then moved back into education completing my PGCE in 2004 and since then has been involved in learning & teaching in secondary, further and higher education acquiring fourteen years of teaching experience. During my time in HE I have convened modules on undergraduate ('Environmental Chemistry & Physics') and MSc courses ('Air Pollution Management & Control' and 'Integrated Environmental Strategies'), and I currently hold a teaching and learning position at Nottingham convening the 'Foundation Chemistry' and 'Maths for Foundation Science' modules on the Foundation Science course ( My current interests are in the effectiveness of student response systems (, the impact of flipped learning on attainment (, and the development of effective student feedback for assessments.

Recent Publications

Education Division

School of Life Sciences
University of Nottingham
Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham NG7 2UH