Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Geoprocesses


LLOYD, IL, THOMAS, V, OFOEGBU, C, BRADLEY, AV, BULLARD, P, D’ACUNHA, B, DELANEY, B, DRIVER, H, EVANS, CD, FAULKNER, KJ, FONVIELLE, JA, FRANCKSEN, RM, FRIDAY, LE, HOSE, G, KADUK, J, RE MANNING, F, MORRISON, R, NOVO, P, PAGE, SE, RHYMES, JM, HUDSON, M and BALZTER, H, 2023. State of Knowledge on UK Agricultural Peatlands for Food Production and the Net Zero Transition Sustainability. 15(23), 16347

MOUSA, S., NOVAK, V., FLETCHER, R. S., GARCIA, M., MACLEOD, N., CORFIELD, M. and RIGBY, S. P., 2023. Integration of multi-scale porosimetry and multi-modal imaging in the study of structure-transport relationships in porous catalyst pellets: Chemical Engineering Journal Chemical Engineering Journal. 452,


MOUSA, S., NOVAK, V., FLETCHER, R. S., KELLY, G., GARCIA, M., MACLEOD, N., PARMENTER, C. and RIGBY, S. P., 2023. Evolution of the pore structure-transport relationship during catalyst reduction and sintering studied by integrated multi-scale porosimetry and multi-modal imaging: Chemical Engineering Science Chemical Engineering Science. 277,

ADILAN W. MAHDIYASA, DAVID J. LARGE, BAGUS P. MULJADI and MATTEO ICARDI, 2023. Modelling the influence of mechanical-ecohydrological feedback on the nonlinear dynamics of peatlands Ecological Modelling. 478, 110299

CARR M., CUTHBERTSON A. and MUNRO R., 2023. Preface to the Special Issue of Environmental Fluid Mechanics in Honour of Peter A. Davies Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 23(2), 185-189

MUNRO R.J. and FOSTER M.R., 2023. Asymmetry in the spin-up of a stratified fluid in a sliced, square cylinder Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 23(2), 291-306

LEDGER, M. J., EVANS, C. D., LARGE, D. J., EVERS, S., BROWN, C., JOVANI-SANCHO, A. J., CALLAGHAN, N., VANE, C. H., MARSHALL, C., BASKARAN, A., GAN, J. Y., SOWTER, A., MORRISON, K. and SJÖGERSTEN, S., 2023. Tropical peat surface oscillations are a function of peat condition at North Selangor peat swamp forest, Malaysia: Frontiers in Environmental Science Frontiers in Environmental Science. 11,

DE CARVALHO, T. P., HARGREAVES, D. M., MORVAN, H. P. and KLINGSPORN, M., 2023. Modelling of Droplet Capture in an Open-Cell Metal Foam at the Pore and Macroscopic Scales: Transport in Porous Media Transport in Porous Media.

LI, L., WU, J., THOM, N., HARGREAVES, D., AIREY, G., ZHU, J., ABED, A., RAHMAN, M. and ZHANG, Z., 2023. 2D Mesoscale cracking simulation of partially saturated asphalt based on moisture diffusion and a cohesive zone model: International Journal of Pavement Engineering International Journal of Pavement Engineering. 24(1),

CHEN, Z., HELLER, V. and BRIGANTI, R., 2023. Numerical modelling of tsunami propagation in converging channels In: Proc. 40th IAHR World Congress. 337-344

MULLIGAN, S., FELDER, S., PUMMER, E., VALERO, D., HELLER, V., ERPICUM, S., OERTEL, M., BOMBARDELLI, F. and CROOKSTON, B.M., 2023. Hydraulic structures – At the heart of 21st century global sustainable development Hydrolink. 5-9

ATTILI, T., HELLER, V. and TRIANTAFYLLOU, S., 2023. Wave impact on rigid and flexible plates Coastal Engineering. 104302
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Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Geoprocesses

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
