George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research

Phil Sewell

Professor of Electromagnetics, Faculty of Engineering



Phillip Sewell received a First Class honours degree and a PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering in 1988 and 1991 respectively from The University of Bath, UK. From 1991 to 1993, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of Ancona, Ancona, Italy.

In 1993, he was appointed as a Lecturer in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K. In 2001 and 2005 he was promoted to Reader and then Professor of Electromagnetics at the same University where is presently a member of the George Green Institute for Electromagnetics research, GGIEMR.

Professor Sewell is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (SMIEEE), a member of the Institute of Electrical Engineers (MIEE) and member of the Optical Society of America (OSA). His research interests involve analytical and numerical modelling of electromagnetic problems, with application to optoelectronics, electromagnetic compatibility, and electrical machines and has published over 300 papers in this field, being awarded the 1996 J J Thomson Premium from the IEE.

Professor Sewell is a member of the George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research.

Teaching Summary

Current Teaching

  • Software Engineering Design (H62SED) Level 2
  • Engineering Software: Design and Implementation (H63ESD) Level 3
  • Research Techniques in Electromagnetics (H64 RTE) Level 4

Research Summary

All aspects of computational electromagnetics, with applications primarily to photonics and electromagnetic compatibility.

Current Teaching

  • Software Engineering Design (H62SED) Level 2
  • Engineering Software: Design and Implementation (H63ESD) Level 3
  • Research Techniques in Electromagnetics (H64 RTE) Level 4

Selected Publications

  • DIMITRIJEVIC, T., VUKOVIC, A., ATANASKOVIC, A., JOKOVIC, J., SEWELL, P. and DONCOV, N., 2023. Holistic Analysis of Conformal Antennas using the Cylindrical TLM Method: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 1-1
  • ALTINOZEN, E., VUKOVIC, A. and SEWELL, P., 2023. Assessment of the Robustness of Flexible Antennas to Complex Deformations: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 1-1
  • ALTINOZEN, E., VUKOVIC, A. and SEWELL, P., 2022. Characterization of Flexible Interconnects
  • JOKOVIC, J., DIMITRIJEVIC, T., ATANASKOVIC, A., DONCOV, N., ALTINOZEN, E., VUKOVIC, A. and SEWELL, P., 2022. Transmission Line Modelling of an Eccentrically Loaded probe Coupled Cylindrical Cavity
  • VUKOVIC, A., ALTINOZEN, E., DIMITRIJEVIC, T. and SEWELL, P., 2021. Simulation Platform for Flexible Electronics
  • ODEYEMI, J. S., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T. M. and SEWELL, P., 2020. Stretched-coordinate PML in 2D TLM simulations: Iet Science Measurement & Technology Iet Science Measurement & Technology. 14(3), 272-277
  • ODEYEMI, J., SMARTT, C., VUKOVIC, A., MBENSON, T. and SEWELL, P., 2020. PML Effectiveness in the Transmission Line Modelling Method for Radiation and Scattering Applications
  • VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T. M., JONES, C. C. R. and EARL, S., 2020. Impact of Lightning Diverter Strips on Antenna Radiation Patterns
  • ALTINOZEN, E., HARRISON, I., VUKOVIC, A. and SEWELL, P. D., 2020. Green Coordinates for Generation of Conformal Antenna Geometries
  • ODEYEMI, J., PANITZ, M., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T. M. and SEWELL, P., 2020. An Effective Stretched Coordinate TLM-PML Suitable for Analyzing Planar Periodic Structures: Ieee Microwave and Wireless Components Letters Ieee Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. 30(8), 725-728
  • VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T. M., 2020. Impact of In Situ Radome Lightning Diverter Strips on Antenna Performance: Ieee Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Ieee Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 68(11), 7287-7296
  • ODEYEMI, J. S., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T. M. and SEWELL, P. D., 2020. A Complex Domain Mapping of the SCN for an Effective PML Implementation in TLM: Ieee Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation Ieee Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation. 1, 126-135
  • VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T. M., 2019. Generating Radome Geometries for Full Lightning Protection Studies
  • ODEYEMI, J. S., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T. M. and SEWELL, P., 2019. An improved PML implementation in the transmission line method
  • VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T. M., EARL, C. and JONES, C., 2019. Modelling of structural joints for lightning direct effect studies
  • VUKOVIC, A., ZONGYUAN, S., SEWELL, P., AZIZ, L. A. and BENSON, T. M., 2018. Geometric Challenges of Modelling Textile Antennas
  • ZHANG, Z., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T. M. and SEWELL, P., 2018. Direct Modelling of Wiring Junction Within Very Large Scale Simulations
  • P SEWELL, A VUKOVIC and TM BENSON, 2017. Complexity Reduction of Multiscale UTLM Cell Clusters IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques. 2, 18-28
  • SEWELL, PHILLIP, VUKOVIC, ANA, BENSON, TREVOR M. and MENG, XUESONG, 2017. Extracting modal field profiles from 3D unstructured transmission line modelling meshes for use as sources and observers IET SCIENCE MEASUREMENT & TECHNOLOGY. 11(6), 780-785
  • A. ELKALSH, P. SEWELL, T. M. BENSON and A. VUKOVIC, 2017. Coupled Electrothermal Two-Dimensional Model for Lightning Strike Prediction and Thermal Modeling Using the TLM Method IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques. 2, 38-48
  • PHANG, S., BENSON, T. M., SUSANTO, H., CREAGH, S. C., GRADONI, G., SEWELL, P. D. and VUKOVIC, A., 2017. Theory and numerical modelling of parity-time symmetric structures in photonics: Introduction and grating structures in one dimension
  • MENG, XUESONG, SEWELL, PHILLIP, RAHMAN, NUR HA, VUKOVIC, ANA and BENSON, TREVOR M, 2016. Experimental benchmarking of Unstructured Transmission Line Modelling (UTLM) method in modelling twisted wires ACES Express Journal. 1(3), 101-104
  • MENG, XUESONG, VUKOVIC, ANA, BENSON, TREVOR M and SEWELL, PHILLIP, 2016. Extended Capability Models for Carbon Fiber Composite (CFC) Panels in the Unstructured Transmission Line Modelling (UTLM) Method IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 58(3), 811-819
  • SENDY PHANG, ANA VUKOVIC, STEPHEN C. CREAGH, PHILLIP SEWELL, GABRIELE GRADONI and TREVOR M. BENSON, 2016. Localized single frequency lasing states in a finite parity-time symmetric resonator chain Scientific Reports. 6, e20499/1-e20499/12
  • AHMED ELKALSH, ANA VUKOVIC, PHILLIP SEWELL and TREVOR M. BENSON, 2016. Electro-thermal modelling for plasmonic structures in the TLM Method Optical and Quantum Electronics. 48(4), 1-14
  • CHRIS JONES, PHILLIP SEWELL, TREVOR M. BENSON, ANA VUKOVIC, XUESONG MENG and HENRY BUCKLOW, 2016. Advanced computational electromagnetics at BAE systems In: NAFEMS UK conference. 1-4
  • MENG, X., SEWELL, P., PHANG, S., VUKOVIC, A. and BENSON, T. M., 2015. Modeling Curved Carbon Fiber Composite (CFC) Structures in the Transmission-Line Modeling (TLM) Method: IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 57(3), 384-390
  • BULYGIN, V. S., GANDEL, Y. V., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T. M., SEWELL, P. and NOSICH, A. I., 2015. Nystrom method for the Muller boundary integral equations on a dielectric body of revolution: Axially symmetric problem: IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation. 9(11), 1186-1192
  • NASSER, H., GREEDY, S., BENSON, T., VUKOVIC, A. and SEWELL, P., 2015. 3D to 2D surface mesh parameterization for unstructured transmission line method simulations
  • PHANG, S., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T. M., SUSANTO, H. and SEWELL, P., 2015. A versatile all-optical parity-time signal processing device using a Bragg grating induced using positive and negative Kerr-nonlinearity: Optical and Quantum Electronics Optical and Quantum Electronics. 47(1), 37-47
  • SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A., MENG, X. and BENSON, T. M., 2015. A note on material losses in unstructured transmission line modeling: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 57(9), 2218-2222
  • PHANG, S., VUKOVIC, A., CREAGH, S. C., GRADONI, G., SEWELL, P. D. and BENSON, T. M., 2015. Coupled Parity-Time symmetric cavities: Results from Transmission Line Modelling simulations
  • PHANG, S., VUKOVIC, A., CREAGH, S. C., BENSON, T. M., SEWELL, P. D. and GRADONI, G., 2015. Parity-time symmetric coupled microresonators with a dispersive gain/loss: Optics Express Optics Express. 23(9), 11493-11507
  • KHASHAN, L., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T. M., 2015. Dispersion in the 2D unstructured transmission line modelling (UTLM) method
  • ELKALSH, A., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T. M., 2015. Coupled arc discharge models in the TLM method
  • CHEN, C. P., ANADA, T., GREEDY, S., BENSON, T. M. and SEWELL, P., 2014. A novel photonic crystal band-pass filter using degenerate modes of a point-defect microcavity for terahertz communication systems: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 56(4), 792-797
  • PHANG, SENDY, VUKOVIC, ANA, BENSON, TREVOR M, CREAGH, STEPHEN, SEWELL, PHILLIP and GRADONI, GABRIELE, 2014. Saturable and dispersive parity-time symmetric directional coupler: A transmission-line modelling study In: Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 2014 16th International Conference on. 1-6
  • ELKALSH, A., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T. M., 2014. Coupled electromagnetic - Thermal model for arc discharge in plasma
  • MENG, X., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A., NASSER, H. and BENSON, T. M., 2014. Embedded carbon fibre composite (CFC) model for arbitrary contour surfaces
  • PHANG, S., VUKOVIC, A., SUSANTO, H., BENSON, T. M. and SEWELL, P., 2014. Impact of dispersive and saturable gain/loss on bistability of nonlinear parity-time Bragg gratings: Optics Letters Optics Letters. 39(9), 2603-2606
  • PHANG, S., VUKOVIC, A., SUSANTO, H., BENSON, T. M. and SEWELL, P., 2014. Modelling of dispersive PT-symmetric Bragg grating
  • DANTANARAYANA, H. G., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T. M., 2014. Resonant frequency and Q factor extraction from temporal responses of ultra-high Q optical resonators: IET Science, Measurement and Technology IET Science, Measurement and Technology. 8(5), 277-284
  • OBIEKEZIE, C. S., THOMAS, D. W. P., NOTHOFER, A., GREEDY, S., ARNAUT, L. R. and SEWELL, P., 2014. Complex locations of equivalent dipoles for improved characterization of radiated emissions: IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 56(5), 1087-1094
  • PHANG, S., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T. M., SUSANTO, H. and SEWELL, P., 2014. A versatile all-optical parity-time signal processing device using a Bragg grating induced using positive and negative Kerr-nonlinearity: Optical and Quantum Electronics Optical and Quantum Electronics. 47(1), 37-47
  • SEWELL, P., BENSON. T. M., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., GREEDY, S. C., THOMAS, D. W. P. and VUKOVIC, A., 2011. Unstructured Meshes for TLM In: EMC Europe 2011, 26th - 30th September 2011, York. Workshop 1: 40 Years of the Transmission Line Matrix Method.
  • SCOTT, I., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., THOMAS, D. W. P., GREEDY, S. and SEWELL, P., 2011. On the Modelling of Complex Circuits using Behavioral Component Descriptions Embedded into the Full-wave TLM Method In: Proceedings of the URSI GASS 2011, August 13th - 20th, Istanbul.
  • SCOTT, I., KERGONOU, G., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., CANAVERO, F., GREEDY, S., THOMAS, D. W. P. and SEWELL, P., 2011. On the Integration of Behavioral Component Descriptions in the Full-wave Transmission-line Modeling Method In: Proc. of the 29th Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS). Marrakesh, Morocco, 20th - 23rd March 2011.
  • SCOTT, I., V. KUMAR, V., GREEDY, S., THOMAS, D. W. P., CHRISTOPOULOS, C. and SEWELL, P., 2011. Time-Domain Modelling of Active Electrically Fine Features in TLM In: Proceedings of the 10th Int. Symposium on EMC ( EMC Europe 2011), York, UK, Sept. 26th - 30th 2011. 284-287
  • DANTANARAYANA, H. G., MENG, X., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A. and BENSON, T. M., 2011. Techniques for Embedding Non-Linear Materials in TLM In: Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 26th - 30th June, Stockholm, Sweden..
  • CHAN, K., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A. and BENSON, T. M., 2011. Oblique Du-Fort Frankel Beam Propagation Method Advances in Optoelectronics. 2011,
  • TONG, X., THOMAS, D.W.P., NOTHOFER, A., SEWELL, P. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2010. Modeling electromagnetic emissions from printed circuit boards in closed environments using equivalent dipoles IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 52(2), 462-470
  • AL-JARRO, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T. M., VUKOVIC, A. and PAUL, J., 2010. Transient Time-Dependant Electric Field of Dielectric Bodies using the Volterra Integral Equation in Three-Dimensions Progress in Electromagnetics Research. 110, 179 - 197
  • SEWELL, P, D., BENSON, T. M., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., THOMAS, D. W. P. and VUKOVIC, A., 2010. Regular Space Filling Tetrahedral Elements for Transmission Line Modelling (TLM) In: 2010 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, 16th - 19th August 2010, Berlin.. 316 - 319
  • AL JARRO, A. Y., SEWELL, P. D., BENSON, T. M., VUKOVIC, A. and PAUL, J., 2010. Numerical Simulation of Arbitrarily Shaped Dielectric Bodies In: Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling (OWTNM'10), 9th -10th April 2010. University of Cambridge. 71
  • SMARTT, C., GREEDY, S., THOMAS, D. W. P., CHRISTOPOULOS, C. and SEWELL, P., 2010. Modelling and Measurement of Crosstalk between Shielded Cables In: EMC Europe 2010, Wroclaw, Poland. 13th - 17th September 2010. 86 - 90
  • TONG, X., THOMAS, D. W, P., NOTHOFER, A., SEWELL, P. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2010. A Genetic Algorithm based Method for Modeling Equivalent Emission Sources of Printed Circuits from Near-Field Measurements In: 2010 APEMC ( Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility) April 12th - 16th 2010, Beijing, China. 297 - 300
  • SEWELL, P., BENSON, T. M., VUKOVIC, A. and AL JARRO, A., 2010. The Challenges for Numerical Time Domain Simulations of Optical Resonators In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2010). June 27th - July 1st 2010, Munich..
  • TONG, X., THOMAS, D. W, P., NOTHOFER, A., SEWELL, P. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2010. Optimised Equivalent Dipole Model of PCB Emissions based on Genetic Algorithms In: EMC Europe 2010, Wroclaw, Poland. 13th - 17th September 2010. 786 - 789
  • SCOTT, I., VUKOVIC, A. and SEWELL, P., 2010. Reducing Computational Requirements for Time-Reversal Device Optimization International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields. 23(6), 458 - 469
  • VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T. M., 2010. Advances in Modelling 3D Resonators In: Integrated Photonics Research 2010 (IPR), Monterey, California. 25th - 28th July 2010..
  • VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T. M., 2010. An Investigation of Metal 3D Spheroidal Resonators using a Body of Revolution Approach Computer Modelling in Engineering & Sciences. 55(2), 171-190
  • SCOTT, I., VUKOVIC, A. and SEWELL, P., 2010. Internal Mirrors for Time-Reversal Applications IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation. 4(11), 1880 - 1885
  • BEKKER, E.V., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and VUKOVIC, A., 2009. Wide-angle alternating-direction implicit finite-difference beam propagation method Journal of Lightwave Technology. 27(14), 2595-2604
  • SEWELL, P.D., BENSON, T.M., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., THOMAS, D.W.P., VUKOVIC, A. and WYKES, J.G., 2009. Implicit element clustering for tetrahedral transmission-line modeling (TLM) IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 57(8), 2005-2014
  • ALJARRO, A. Y., SEWELL, P. D., BENSON, T. M. and VUKOVIC, A., 2009. Stabilizing 3D Volterra Time Domain Integral Equation Algorithms In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (ISAP 2009), Bangkok, Thailand.
  • AL JARRO, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T M. and VUKOVIC, A., 2009. A Volterra Time-Domain Integral Equation Algorithm on Unstructured Meshes: 3D Model In: Proceedings of the 25th International Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES 2009), March 8th - 12th, Monterey, California.. 792-796
  • SEWELL, P., BENSON, T. M., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., THOMAS, D. W. P., VUKOVIC, A. and WYKES, J. G., 2008. Coalescing Tetrahedral TLM cells into Higher Order Elements for Improved Efficiency In: 24th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics. 456 - 461
  • WYKES, J.G., SEWELL, P., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., BENSON, T.M., THOMAS, D.W.P. and VUKOVIC, A., 2008. Embedded wire nodes in time-domain unstructured 2D TLM Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 50(7), 1753-1757
  • WYKES, J. G., SEWELL, P., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., BENSON, T. M., THOMAS, D. W. P. and VUKOVIC, A., 2008. Transmission-Line Modelling of Materials with Nonlinear Properties in an Unstructured Triangular Grid In: Proceedings of EUROEM 2008, European Electromagnetics. July 21st - 25th 2008. EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland.
  • WYKES, J. G., SEWELL, P., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., BENSON, T. M., THOMAS, D. W. P. and VUKOVIC, A., 2008. Sub-Cell Models in Unstructured 2D TLM In: Seventh International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics, (CEM 2008). 7th - 10th April 2008. Brighton. 116 - 117
  • SEWELL, P., BENSON, T. M., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., THOMAS, D. W. P., VUKOVIC, A. and WYKES, J. G., 2008. Desensitization of Unstructured Transmission Line Modelling Simulations to Mesh Characteristics In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory. June 29th - July 2nd 2008. Odesa, Ukraine.. 21 - 23
  • SEWELL, P., WYKES, J., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., BENSON, T. M., THOMAS, D. W. P. and VUKOVIC, A., 2008. Analytical Linking of Numerical Computational Domains In: Proceedings of PIERS 2008. July 2nd - 6th. Cambridge USA.. 591
  • SEWELL, P., BENSON, T. M., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., THOMAS, D. W. P., VUKOVIC, A. and WYKES, J. G., 2008. Interfacing 3D Cartesian TLM Computational Regions with Unstructured Tetrahedral Layers In: Proceedings of the URSI General Assembly. Chicago, Illinois. August 7th - 16th 2008..
  • THOMAS, D. W. P., BIWOJNO, K., XIN, T., NOTHOFER, A., SEWELL, P. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2008. Measurement and Simulation of Near Field Emissions from Microstrip Lines In: Proceedings of the 8th Internationl Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC Europe 2008), Hamburg. Sept. 8th - 12th. 2008..
  • BENSON, T. M., VUKOVIC, A., WYKES, J. G, ALJARRO, A. and SEWELL, P., 2008. Numerical Simulations of 3D Micro-Resonators In: Proceedings of the 10th Anniversary International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, ICTON 2008. Athens, June 22nd - 26th, 2008. Vol. 4.. 54-57
  • THOMAS, D. W. P., BIWOJNO, K., XIN, T., NOTHOFER, A., SEWELL, P. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2008. PCB Electromagnetic Emissions Prediction from Equivalent Magnetic Dipoles found from Near Field Scans In: Proceedings of the URSI General Assembly. Chicago, Illinois. August 7th - 16th 2008..
  • VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P., STYAN, C. and BENSON, T. M., 2008. Modelling Nonlinear Photonics Crystal Waveguides Using the Transmission Line Modelling Method In: 24th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics, (ACES 2008), 30th March - 4th April 2008. Niagara Falls.. 621 - 626
  • LIAN, Z G., WYKES, J., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T M., BEKKER, E. and MELNIKOV, L., 2008. Modelling Microstructured Optical Fibres In: Proceedings of PIERS 2008. July 2nd - 6th, Cambridge USA.. 180
  • SMOTROVA, E.I,, NOSICH, A I,, BENSON, T M,: SEWELL, P. and CTYROKY. J., 2008. Nystrom-Type Technique for Numerical Analysis of Lasing Spectra and Thresholds in Arbitrary-Shaped Active 2-D Microcavities In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL 2008). Alushta, Crimea. Sept.29th - 4th Oct.. 377-379
  • CHRISTOPOULOS, C., SEWELL, P., BIWOJNO, K., WYKES, J., PAUL, J D., THOMAS, D W P., AJAYI, A. and DE MENEZES, L., 2007. Multi-Scale Problems and Complexity in Computational Electromagnetics In: Proceedings of the 2007 Computational Electromagnetics Workshop. 44 - 48
  • THOMAS, D W P., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T M., MCKIRDY D, and GLOVER, P., 2007. Optimisation of a Magnetic Resonance Imaging RF Probe through Time Reversal with TLM International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics. 26(3-4), 183-189
  • PAN, W. J., FURNISS, D., ROWE, H., MILLER, C. A., LONI, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T. M. and SEDDON, A. B., 2007. Fine embossing of chalcogenide glasses: First time submicron definition of surface embossed features JOURNAL OF NONCRYSTALLINE SOLIDS. VOL 353(NUMBER 13-15), 1302-1306
  • SEWELL, P., WYKES, J., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., BENSON, T. M., THOMAS, D. W. P. and VUKOVIC, A., 2007. Degenerate Clusters in Unstructured TLM In: Invited Paper in the Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology (ISMOT 07). Monte Porzio catone, Italy. 17 - 21 December 2007. 121 - 123
  • JANYANI, V., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T M., PAUL, J. and SEWELL, P., 2007. Dynamics of Pulse Propagation in Phase-Shifted Fibre Bragg Gratings: A Numerical Investigation Optical and Quantum Electronics. 39(9), 709 - 716
  • AL JARRO, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T M. and VUKOVIC, A., 2007. Adaptive Meshing for Volterra Integral Equation In: Proceedings of Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIERS), August 27th - 30th 2007. Prague.
  • CHRISTOPOULOS, C., THOMAS, D W P., PAUL, J D., BIWOJNO, K. and SEWELL, P., 2007. Methodologies for Modelling Thin Wires in Electrically Large Problems In: COST 286 Poster Session, EMC Europe Workshop. June 14th - 15th, 2007. Paris..
  • SEWELL, P., STYAN, C., VUKOVIC, A. and BENSON, T M., 2007. Adaptive Simulation of Optical ASICs In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, (ICTON). Rome, Italy. June 2007. Vol.1. 244 - 248
  • AL JARRO, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T M. and VUKOVIC, A., 2007. A Volterra Integral Equation Algorithm on Triangulated Space Time Meshes In: Proceedings of the 2007 Workshop on Computational Electromagnetics in Time-Domain (CEM-TD 2007), Perugia, Italy. Oct 15-17..
  • VUKOVIC A., BEKKER, E., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T M., PAUL, J., SAKHNENKO, N K. and NERUKH, A G., 2007. Modelling Nonlinear Interactions between RF and Optical Fields in Travelling Wave Modulators using a Hybrid Approach In: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES). Verona, Italy, March 2007. 532 - 537
  • GERADA, C., BRADLEY, K. J., SUMNER, M. and SEWELL, P., 2007. Evaluation and Modeling of Cross Saturation Due to Leakage Flux in Vector-Controlled Induction Machines: Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on. 43(3), 694-702
  • BEKKER, E V., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T M., 2007. Wide-Angle Alternating-Direction Implicit Finite Difference BPM In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference of Transparent Optical Networks, (ICTON). Rome, Italy. June 2007. Vol. 1. 250 - 253
  • ZDANOWICZ, M R., MARCINIAK, M., JAWORSKI, M., BENSON, T M., BEKKER, E., VUKOVIC, A. and SEWELL, P., 2007. Analysis of Nolinear Photonic Crystal Fibres with Varying Geometries In: Proceedings of COST P11 Traing School: Physics of Linear, Nonlinear, and Active Photonic Crystals. Warsaw, NIT. May 22-25 2007..
  • ROMANOVA, E., JANYANI, V., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T M., 2007. Models of non-linear waveguide excitation by non-stationary light beam Optical and Quantum Electronics. 39(10/11), 813-823
  • BEKKER, E V., VUKOVIC, A., SAKHNENKO, N K., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T M. and NERUKH, A.G., 2007. An assessment of coherent coupling through radiation fields in time varying slab waveguides Optical and Quantum Electronics. 39(7), 533 - 551
  • SMOTROVA, E.I., NOSICH, A I. and BENSON, T M.: SEWELL, P., 2007. Linear Optical Analysis of Microdisk Lasers Concentrically Coupled with Microrings In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) 2007. Vol. 4. Rome, Italy.. 200-203
  • SEDDON, A.B., PAN, W.J., FURNISS, D., MILLER, C.A., ROWE, H., ZHANG, D., MCBREARTY, E.M., ZHANG, Y., LONI, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2006. Fine embossing of chalcogenide glasses - a new fabrication route for photonic integrated circuits Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 352(23-25), 2515-2520
  • BORISKINA, S.V., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P.D. and NOSICH, A.I., 2006. Directional emission, increased free spectral range, and mode Q-factors in 2-D wavelength-scale optical microcavity structures IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 12(6), 1175-1182
  • VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2006. Analysis of 3-D diffraction effects and oblique incidence in magnetooptic photonic bandgap structures IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. 24(7), 2946-2953
  • ZHANG, Y., BENSON, T. M., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A., ZHANG, D., PAN, W. J., LONI, A., FURNISS, D. and SEDDON, A. B., 2006. The Design of Single Mode Large Cross-section Glass-based Waveguides for Photonic Integrated Circuits OPTICAL AND QUANTUM ELECTRONICS. VOL 38(NUMBER 1-3), 97-110
  • ZHANG, Y., ZHANG, D., PAN, W., ROWE, H., BENSON, T., LONI, A., SEWELL, P., FURNISS, D. and SEDDON, A. B., 2006. Photonic integrated circuits based on novel glass waveguides and devices [6183-10] PROCEEDINGS- SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING. VOL 6183, 61830A-61830A
  • BENSON, T M., BORISKINA, S V., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A., GREEDY, S. and NOSICH, A., 2006. Micro-Optical Resonators for Microlasers and Integrated Optoelectronics Frontiers in Planar Lightwave Circuit Technology, Design Simulation, and Fabrication. Vol. 216, 39 - 70
  • VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P., MCKIRDY, D., THOMAS, D W P., BENSON, T M., CHRISTOPOULOS, C. and GLOVER, P., 2006. Microstrip RF Resonator for High-field MRI: Full Vectorial Models suitable for Optimisation In: Proceedings of the Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, Sept. 2006.
  • BENSON, T M., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., THOMAS, D W P T. and NOSICH, A., 2006. Hybrid Methods for Efficient Electromagnetic Simulation (invited paper) In: Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), 2006. 182 (In Press.)
  • BENSON, T M., VUKOVIC, A., THOMAS, D W P., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., WYKES. J., GREEDY, S. and SEWELL, P., 2006. Beam Spoiler Simulations for High-power Laser Diodes In: Proceddings of ICTON 2006, Nottingham June, 2006. Vol. 2. 173 - 175
  • BENSON, T M., STYAN, C., SEWELL, P. and VUKOVIC, A., 2006. Deisgn and Fabrication of Optical Application Specific Integrated Circuits (OASIC) In: Centre for Integrated Photonics, Academic Open Day. (In Press.)
  • JANYANI, V., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T M., PAUL, J. and SEWELL, P., 2006. Dynamics of Ultra-Short Pulse Interaction with Linear and Nonlinear Fibre Bragg Gratings In: Proceedings of ICTON 2006. Nottingham, June 2006. Vol. 4. 217 - 220
  • STYAN, C., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T M., 2006. Design Optimisation for a Generic Planar Scattering Platform In: Proceedings of the XV International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling, Varese, Italy. April 2006. 6
  • SEWELL, P., STYAN, C., VUKOVIC, A. and BENSON, T M., 2006. A Flexible Concept for Compact Integrated Optical Functionality In: Integrated Photonics Research and Applications / Nanophotonics 2006, Uncasville, CT, 24th - 26th April, Technical Digest - Optical Society of America. paper IEM3
  • HU, B., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A., PAUL, J. and BENSON, TM., 2006. General Approach for Nth-order Dispersive Material IEEE Proc. Optoelectronics. 153(1), 13 - 20
  • SEWELL, P., STYAN, C., VUKOVIC, A. and BENSON, T M., 2006. Designing Flexible Integrated Optical Circuits Exploiting Multiple Scatterers In: Proceedings of ICTON 2006, Nottingham, June 2006. Vol. 2. 116 - 120
  • HU, B., SEWELL, P., WYKES, J G., VUKOVIC, A., LIM, J J. and BENSON, T M., 2006. 3D Analysis of Plasmonic Waveguides using a Fourth-Order Accurate Finite Difference Subsampling Technique Integrated Photonics Research and Applications / Nanophotonics 2006 Technical Digest. paper IEM3
  • NOSICH, A I., SMOTROVA, E I,, BORISKINA, S V., BENSON, T M., SEWELL, P. and ALTINTAS, A., 2006. Linear Electromagnetic Modelling of Microcavity Lasers with Eigenvalue Problems for Active Open Resonators In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Electromagnetic Wave Scattering (EWSW-2006), Gebze.. 2/37 - 2/42
  • ZHANG, D., PAN, W., ZHANG, Y., LONI, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T. M., MILLER, C. A., FURNISS, D. and SEDDON, A. B., 2006. Large core single-mode glass-based waveguides for photonic integrated circuits PROCEEDINGS- SPIE THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR OPTICAL ENGINEERING, Photonics West. 6123, 115 - 123
  • SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., THOMAS, D.W.P., VUKOVIC, A. and WYKES, J.G., 2005. Transmission-line modeling (TLM) based upon unstructured tetrahedral meshes IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 53(6), 1919-1928
  • AMIRULDDIN, U.A.U., ASHER, G.M., SEWELL, P. and BRADLEY, K.J., 2005. Dynamic field modelling of torque and radial forces in vector-controlled induction machines with bearing relief IEE Proceedings. Electric Power Applications. 152(4), 894-904
  • SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and VUKOVIC, A., 2005. A stable DuFort-Frankel beam-propagation method for lossy structures and those with perfectly matched layers IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. 23(1), 374-381
  • SMOTROVA, E.I., NOSICH, A.I., BENSON, T.M. and SEWELL, P., 2005. Cold-cavity thresholds of microdisks with uniform and nonuniform gain: quasi-3-D modeling with accurate 2-D analysis IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 11(5), 1135-1142
  • JANYANI, V., VUKOVIC, A., PAUL, J.D., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2005. Time domain simulation in photonics: a comparison of nonlinear dispersive polarisation models Optical and Quantum Electronics. 37(1-3), 3-24
  • WYKES, J.G., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A. and BENSON, T.M., 2005. Subsampling of fine features in finite-difference frequency-domain simulations Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 44(1), 95-101
  • BORISKINA, S.V., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and NOSICH, A.I., 2005. Optical modes in 2-D imperfect square and triangular microcavities IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 41(6), 857- 862
  • WYKES, J.G., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., SEWELL, P., THOMAS, D.W.P., BENSON, T.M. and VUKOVIC, A., 2005. Hybrid meshes in time-domain TLM In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications, ICEAA '05.
  • BENSON, T.M., BORISKINA, S.V., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A., GREEDY, S.C. and NOSICH, A.I., 2005. Micro-optical resonators for microlasers and integrated optoelectronics
  • BENSON, T.M., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P., LONI, A., PAN, W., ZHANG, D., O''DONNELL, M.D., LOUSTEAU, J., FURNISS, D. and SEDDON, A.B., 2005. Novel glass compositions and fabrictaion technologies for photonic integrated circuits In: Proceedings of 2005 7th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. 296-299
  • BENSON, T.M., GOVAN, D., WYKES, J.G., BIWOJNO, K., SEWELL, P. and GREEDY, S.C., 2005. Time domain techniques for the accurate description of fine features In: Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modeling.
  • CHRISTOPOULOS, C., THOMAS, D.W.P., SEWELL, P., PAUL, J.D., BIWOJNO, K., WYKES, J.G. and GREEDY, S.C., 2005. Simulation Methodologies for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and signal integrity (SI) for system design In: Proceedings of the 7th Electronic Packaging Technology Conference.
  • BENSON, T.M., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., THOMAS, D.W.P., PAUL, J.D., GREEDY, S.C., SEWELL, P., MCKIRDY, D. and VUKOVIC, A., 2005. General material models for electromagnetic field-tissue interactions In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable and Broadcasting Services (TELSIKS).
  • LIU, Y., SEWELL, P., BIWOJNO, K. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2005. A generalized node for embedding subwavelength objects into 3-D transmission-line models IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 47(4), 749-755
  • ZHANG, Y., PAN, W., ZHANG, D., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P., LONI, A., FURNISS, D. and SEDDON, A.B., 2005. Hot-embossing of Glass: a new approach to photonic integrated circuits In: European Optical Society Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems.
  • ZHANG, Y., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P., ZHANG, D., PAN, W., FURNISS, D. and SEDDON, A.B., 2005. The design of glass-based waveguides for photonic integrated circuits In: Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling.
  • HU, B., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A., PAUL, J.D. and BENSON, T.M., 2005. Time domain modelling approach for general linear dispersive media In: 2nd International Radio Electronic Forum, Volume V, International Conference on Microwave and Optoelectronics.
  • O'DONNELL, M.D., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P., ZHANG, Y., ZHANG, D., FURNISS, D., TIKHOMIROV, V.K. and SEDDON, A.B., 2005. Fluorotellurite glasses for fibre-on-glass (FOG) devices In: 17th University Conference on Glass Science, and 1st International Materials Institute Workshop on New Functionality in Glasses.
  • BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P., BORISKINA, S.V., JANYANI, V., AL-JARRO, A., VUKOVIC, A., SAKHNENKO, N., NOSICH, A.I. and NERUKH, A.G., 2005. Microcavities: an inspiration for advanced modelling techniques In: Proceedings of 2005 7th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. 272-275
  • BENSON, T.M., BORISKINA, S.V., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A., NOSICH, A.I., JANYANI, V., AL-JARRO, A., SAKHNENKO, N., SMOTROVA, E.I. and NERUKH, A.G., 2005. Micro-resonators: simulation and application In: Proceedings of CAOL 2005. 6-11
  • STYAN, C., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T M., 2005. Generalised Scattering in 2D Photonic Structure Optimisation In: IEE Meeting, Electromagnetic Modelling in Optoelectronics, Nottingham..
  • BIWOJNO, K., SMARTT, C.J., SEWELL, P. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2005. General treatment of TLM node with embedded structures In: 2005 Workshop on Computational Electromagnetics in Time-Domain (CEM-TD). 52-55
  • NOSICH, A.I., BORISKINA, S.V., BENSON, T.M. and SEWELL, P., 2005. Trends in microdisk laser design and optical modelling In: Proceedings of 2005 7th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. 133-138
  • SMOTROVA, E.I., SEMENOVA, E.K., NOSICH, A.I., BENSON, T.M. and SEWELL, P., 2005. Lasing of circular photonic molecules composed of three and four microdisks In: Proceedings of LFNM 2005. 46-49
  • SEWELL, P., WYKES, J.G., BENSON, T.M., THOMAS, D.W.P., VUKOVIC, A. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2004. Transmission line modelling using unstructured meshes IEE Proceedings. Science, Measurement and Technology. 151(6), 445-448
  • SEWELL, P., WYKES, J.G., VUKOVIC, A., THOMAS, D.W.P., BENSON, T.M. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2004. Multi-grid interface in computational electromagnetics Electronics Letters. 40(3), 162-163
  • SEWELL, P., WYKES, J.G., BENSON, T.M., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., THOMAS, D.W.P. and VUKOVIC, A., 2004. Transmission-line modeling using unstructured triangular meshes IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. 52(5), 1490-1497
  • DJURDJEVIC, D.Z., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and VUKOVIC, A., 2004. Fast and accurate analysis of 3-D curved optical waveguide couplers IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. 22(10), 2333-2340
  • BORRUEL, L., SUJECKI, S., MORENO, P., WYKES, J., KRAKOWSKI, M., SUMPF, B., SEWELL, P., AUZANNEAU, S.C., WENZEL, H., RODRIGUEZ, D., BENSON, T.M., LARKINS, E.C. and ESQUIVIAS, I., 2004. Quasi-3-D simulation of high-brightness tapered lasers IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 40(5), 463-472
  • STYAN, C., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2004. An adaptive synthesis tool for rib waveguide design IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology. 22(12), 2793-2800
  • BORRUEL, L., SUJECKI, S., WYKES, J.G., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M., LARKINS, E.C. and ESQUIVIAS, I., 2004. Modeling of patterned contacts in tapered lasers IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 40(10), 1384-1388
  • LOUSTEAU, J., FURNISS, D., SEDDON, A.B., BENSON, T.M., VUKOVIC, A. and SEWELL, P., 2004. The single mode condition for silicon-on-insulator optical rib waveguides with large cross-section Journal of Lightwave Technology. 22(8), 1923-1929
  • JANYANI, V., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T.M. and SEWELL, P., 2004. TLM modelling of nonlinear optical effects in fibre Bragg gratings IEE Proceedings. Optoelectronics. 151(4), 185-192
  • NOSICH, A.I., BORISKINA, S.V., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and ALTINTAS, A., 2004. Lens or resonator? Electromagnetic behaviour of an extended hemielliptic lens for a sub-millimeter-wave receiver Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 43(6), 515-518
  • BORISKINA, S.V., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and NOSICH, A.I., 2004. Spectral shift and Q-change of circular and square-shaped optical microcavity modes due to periodic sidewall surface roughness Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics. 21(10), 1792-1796
  • BORISKINA, S.V., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and NOSICH, A.I., 2004. Accurate simulation of 2D optical microcavities with uniquely solvable boundary integral equations and trigonometric-Galerkin discretisation Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision. 21(3), 393-402
  • NERUKH, A.G., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2004. Volterra integral equations for nonstationary electromagnetic processes in time-varying dielectric waveguides Journal of Lightwave Technology. 22(5), 1408-1419
  • BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and MELNIKOV, L.A., 2004. Modal analysis of holey fibres with convex and non-convex polygon shaped holes Optical and Quantum Electronics. 36(8), 733-744
  • CHRISTOPOULOS, C., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M., THOMAS, D.W.P., VUKOVIC, A., PAUL, J.D., PODLOZNY, V. and CHOONG, Y.K., 2004. Advances in the application of TLM to EMC problems In: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2004.
  • SEWELL, P., WYKES, J.G., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., BENSON, T.M., THOMAS, D.W.P. and VUKOVIC, A., 2004. TLM for unstuctured triangular meshes (Invited) In: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2004.
  • WYKES, J.G., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M., THOMAS, D.W.P., VUKOVIC, A. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2004. TLM using Unstructured Triangular Meshes In: CEM 2004.
  • BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., THOMAS, D.W.P. and VUKOVIC, A., 2004. Education and business in photonics In: Proceedings of 2004 6th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks.
  • BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., THOMAS, D.W.P. and VUKOVIC, A., 2004. Education and Business in Photonics In: IEEE/LEOS Educational Workshop.
  • BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A., BORISKINA, S.V., GREEDY, S.C. and ZHANG, Y., 2004. Photonics design tools: rising to commercial and technological challenges In: Newsletter of the Computational Physics Group. 21-30
  • BIWOJNO, K., SUJECKI, S., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T.M. and SEWELL, P., 2004. Thermal models for silicon-on-insulator-based optical circuits Optica Applicata. 34(2), 149-161
  • SUJECKI, S., BORRUEL, L., WYKES, J.G., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M., ESQUIVIAS, I. and LARKINS, E.C., 2004. Quasi-3D numerical analysis of asymmetries in 980nm tapered laser diodes In: Proceedings of 2004 6th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. 295-298
  • NERUKH, A.G., FEDOTOV, F.V., BENSON, T.M. and SEWELL, P., 2004. Analytic-numerical approach to non-linear problems in dielectric waveguides Optical and Quantum Electronics. 36(1-3), 67-85
  • AL-JARRO, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and NERUKH, A.G., 2004. Effective and flexible analysis for propagation in time varying waveguides Optical and Quantum Electronics. 36(1-3), 133-144
  • GOVAN, D., PAUL, J.D., GREEDY, S.C., BIWOJNO, K., WYKES, J.G., VUKOVIC, A., THOMAS, D.W.P., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2004. Computational electromagnetics: current applications and future trends Microwave Review. 10(2), 16-25
  • BENSON, T.M., VUKOVIC, A., WYKES, J.G., SEWELL, P., LOUSTEAU, J., FURNISS, D. and SEDDON, A.B., 2004. The single mode connection for large cross-section optical rib waveguides In: Proceedings 12th International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling.
  • BENSON, T.M., STYAN, C., VUKOVIC, A. and SEWELL, P., 2004. Efficient optoelectronic component synthesis exploiting parallel architectures (Invited) In: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2004.
  • ZHANG, D., LOUSTEAU, J., O'DONNELL, M.D., FURNISS, D., TIKHOMIROV, V.K., ZHANG, Y., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and SEDDON, A.B., 2004. FOG devices for photonic integrated circuits In: Advances in Glass and Optical Technology: Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Non-Oxide Glasses and Novel Optical Glasses (ISNOG XIV) and American Ceramics Society Glass and Optical materials Division (GOMD) Fall meeting 2004.
  • BENSON, T.M., BORISKINA, S.V., GREEDY, S.C., SEWELL, P. and VUKOVIC, A., 2004. Micro-optical resonator devices, materials and technologies In: NATO workshop on 'Frontiers in Planar Lightwave Technology: Design, Simulation and Fabrication'.
  • BENSON, T.M., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P., ZHANG, D., O''DONNELL, M.D., LOUSTEAU, J., FURNISS, D. and SEDDON, A.B., 2004. Fibre on glass (FOG): a novel concept for planar photonics In: Proceedings of 2004 6th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. 270-273
  • JANYANI, V., VUKOVIC, A., PAUL, J.D., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2004. The development of TLM models for nonlinear optics Microwave Review. 10(1), 35-42
  • JANYANI, V., VUKOVIC, A., PAUL, J.D., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2004. Time domain simulation of all-optical limiter using Kerr and Duffing models In: Proceedings 12th International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling.
  • BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A., BORISKINA, S.V. and GREEDY, S.C., 2004. Design tools for photonics: rising to the challenge In: IEEE LEOS. 5-7
  • BENSON, T.M., AL-JARRO, A., SEWELL, P., JANYANI, V., PAUL, J.D. and VUKOVIC, A., 2004. Simulation of nonlinear integrated photonics devices: a comparison of TLM and numerical time domain integral equation In: EUROEM, 2004.
  • SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M., VUKOVIC, A., DJURDJEVIC, D.Z. and WYKES, J.G., 2004. Computational issues in the simulation of reflective interactions in integrated photonic components (Invited) In: Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2004.
  • STYAN, C., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2004. Automatic simulation trade-off within optoelectronic device optimisation In: Proceedings 12th International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling.
  • SMOTROVA, E.I., NOSICH, A.I., BORISKINA, S.V., BENSON, T.M. and SEWELL, P., 2004. Effective index dispersion account in the cold model of disk resonator with uniform gain In: Fifth International Kharkov Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter, and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW-04). 338-340
  • SEWELL, P., LIDGATE, S.C.M., VUKOVIC, A. and BENSON, T.M., 2004. The challenges of modelling AWG multiplexers In: Proceedings of 2004 6th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. 59-64
  • BORISKINA, S.V., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and NOSICH, A.I., 2004. High-Q whispering gallery modes in 2D cavitites: looking beyond the conventional circular resonator design In: 2004 digest of the LEOS Summer Topical Meetings.
  • SUJECKI, S., BORRUEL, L., WYKES, J., MORENO, P., SUMPF, B., SEWELL, P., WENZEL, H., BENSON, T.M., ERBERT, G., ESQUIVIAS, I. and LARKINS, E.C., 2003. Nonlinear properties of tapered laser cavities IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 9(3), 823-834
  • VORGUL, I., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2003. Optical fibre facets: a vector analysis IEE Proceedings. Optoelectronics. 150(6), 508-512
  • SUJECKI, S., WYKES, J.G., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T.M., LARKINS, E.C. and BORRUEL, L., 2003. Optical properties of tapered laser cavities IEE Proceedings. Optoelectronics. 150(3), 246-252
  • ZHANG, Y., LIM, J.J., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P., DODS, S.R.A. and LARKINS, E.C., 2003. Design and optimisation of high-brightness 980 nm laser diodes with distributed phase correction Optical and Quantum Electronics. 35(9), 887-901
  • GREEDY, S.C., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A. and BENSON, T.M., 2003. Efficient analysis of integrated optical circuits by the spectral index method Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 38(1), 68-73
  • BORISKINA, S.V., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and NOSICH, A.I., 2003. Highly efficient design of specially engineered whispering-gallery-mode laser resonators Optical and Quantum Electronics. 35(4-5), 545-559
  • BORISKINA, S.V., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and NOSICH, A.I., 2003. Tuning of elliptic whispering-gallery-mode microdisk waveguide filters Journal of Lightwave Technology. 21(9), 1987-1995
  • LOUSTEAU, J., FURNISS, D., SEDDON, A.B., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2003. Fluoride glass planar waveguides for active applications Materials Science & Engineering. B, Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology. 105(1-3), 74-78
  • WYKES, J.G., BONNYMAN, J.I., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M., SUJECKI, S. and LARKINS, E.C., 2003. Utilisation of parallel processing techniques to maximise the efficiency of an advanced high-power semiconductor laser model In: Proceedings International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling.
  • BELKA, R., SUJECKI, S., BORRUEL, L., WYKES, J.G., ERBERT, G., ESQUIVIAS, I., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M., WENZEL, H., SUMPF, B. and LARKINS, E.C., 2003. Symulacje pólprzewodnikowych laserów duzej mocy z sekcja stozkowa In: II Krajowej Konferencji Elektroniki (II KKE). 443-
  • BORRUEL, L., SUJECKI, S., KRAKOWSKI, M., MORENO, P.D., WYKES, J.G., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and LARKINS, E.C., 2003. Beam Filamentation and Maximum Optical power in High brightness Tapered Lasers In: Oral Presentation, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XI Conference, Photonics West.
  • BENSON, T.M., VUKOVIC, A., BORISKINA, S.V., GREEDY, S.C., STYAN, C. and SEWELL, P., 2003. Analytic and semi-analytic modelling of photonic circuits (Invited) In: OSA/IEEE Integrated Photonics Research Tech. Digest.
  • FEDOTOV, F.V., NERUKH, A.G., BENSON, T.M. and SEWELL, P., 2003. Investigation of electromagnetic field in a layer with time-varying medium by Volterra integral equation method Journal of Lightwave Technology. 21(1), 305-314
  • SEWELL, P., CHOONG, Y.K. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2003. An accurate thin-wire model for 3-D TLM simulations IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 45(2), 207-217
  • BORRUEL, L., SUJECKI, S., RODRGUEZ, D., WYKES, J.G., KRAKOWSKI, M., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M., LARKINS, E.C. and ESQUIVIAS, I., 2003. Beam filamentation and maximum optical power in high brightness tapered lasers In: Physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices XI. 423-431
  • JANYANI, V., VUKOVIC, A., PAUL, J.D., BENSON, T.M. and SEWELL, P., 2003. Modelling of nonlinear optical effects using TLM In: 5th International Workshop on Computational Electromagnetics in Time Domain.
  • GERADA, C., BRADLEY, K.J., SUMNER, M. and SEWELL, P., 2003. Evaluation and modelling of cross saturation due to leakage flux in vector controlled induction machines In: IEMDC'03: IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference. 1983-1989
  • GERADA, C., BRADLEY, K.J., SUMNER, M. and SEWELL, P., 2003. Evaluation of a vector controlled induction motor drive using the dynamic magnetic circuit model In: Conference record of the 2003 IEEE Industry Applications Conference. 862-869
  • JANYANI, V., VUKOVIC, A., PAUL, J.D., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2003. The development of TLM models for nonlinear optics In: Proceedings Sixth Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (PES2003).
  • BORISKINA, S.V., STYAN, C., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and NOSICH, A.I., 2003. Design and optimisation of planar waveguide network components based on optical microcavities In: LEOS 2003: 16th Annual meeting of the IEEE Lasers & Electro-Optics Society. 836-837
  • CHOONG, Y.K., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., PAUL, J.D., SEWELL, P. and THOMAS, D.W.P., 2003. The interfacing of signal processing algorithms to full-field models for EMC modelling In: 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). 1273-1276
  • LOUSTEAU, J., FURNISS, D., SEDDON, A.B., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A. and BENSON, T.M., 2003. The influence of fabrication on the electromagnetic properties of fluoride glass rib waveguides In: Piers 2003.
  • STYAN, C., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2003. Adaptive synthesis for optical waveguides: CAD or Fad? In: Proceedings International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling.
  • GERADA, C., BRADLEY, K.J., SUMNER, M. and SEWELL, P., 2003. Analysis of and compensation for cross saturation due to skew leakage in indirect field orientated induction motor drives In: EPE 2003.
  • BENSON, T.M., DJURDJEVIC, D.Z., WYKES, J.G., VUKOVIC, A. and SEWELL, P., 2003. Towards numerical vector Helmholtz solutions in integrated photonics In: Proceedings of 2003 5th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. 1-4
  • BIWOJNO, K., SUJECKI, S. and SEWELL, P., 2003. Numerical analysis of thermal switching in silicon based integrated optical devices In: Photonics applications in astronomy, communications, industry, and high-energy physics experiments. 252-258
  • JANYANI, V., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T.M. and SEWELL, P., 2003. Modelling of nonlinear optical materials using the TLM method In: Proceedings Sixth Conference on Applied Electromagnetics (PES2003).
  • BORISKINA, S.V., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and NOSICH, A.I., 2003. Regularized boundary integral equation method for CAD and optimization of optical microcavities In: Proceedings of 2003 5th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. 319-322
  • SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M., VUKOVIC, A. and BOZEAT, R.J., 2003. Analysis of 3D angled fibre-rib waveguide interfaces (Invited) In: Piers 2003.
  • VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and BOZEAT, R.J., 2002. Novel hybrid method for efficient 3-D fiber-to-chip coupling analysis IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 8(6), 1285-1293
  • ZHANG, Y., LIM, J.J., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and LARKINS, E.C., 2002. Design of short-cavity, high-brightness 980 nm laser diodes with distributed phase correction Applied Physics Letters. 80(19), 3506-3508
  • LIM, J.J., BENSON, T.M., LARKINS, E.C. and SEWELL, P., 2002. Wideband finite-difference-time-domain beam propagation method Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 34(4), 243-247
  • BORISKINA, S.V., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and NOSICH, A.I., 2002. Effect of a layered environment on the complex natural frequencies of two-dimensional WGM dielectric-ring resonators Journal of Lightwave Technology. 20(8), 1563-1572
  • DJURDJEVIC, D.Z., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and VUKOVIC, A., 2002. Highly efficient finite-difference schemes for structures of nonrectangular cross-section Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 33(6), 401-407
  • SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A. and BENSON, T.M., 2002. Component synthesis in optoelectronics modelling Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 33(5), 325-327
  • SUJECKI, S., BORRUEL, L., WYKES, J.G., ERBERT, G., ESQUIVIAS, I., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M., WENZEL, H., SUMPF, B. and LARKINS, E.C., 2002. Nonlinear photon-carrier interactions in high power 735nm tapered laser diodes In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on the Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD). 6-
  • BORRUEL, L., ESQUIVIAS, I., SUJECKI, S., LARKINS, E.C., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and WYKES, J.G., 2002. Self-consistent electrical, thermal and optical model of high-brightness tapered lasers In: Physics and simulation of optoelectronic devices X. 355-366
  • BORRUEL, L., SUJECKI, S., SUMPF, B., MORENO, P.D., WYKES, J.G., KRAKOWSKI, M., ERBERT, G., SEWELL, P., CALLIGARO, M., BENSON, T.M. and LARKINS, E.C., 2002. High brightness tapered lasers at 732 nm and 975 nm: experiments and numerical analysis, In: IEEE 18th International Semiconductor Laser Conference.
  • WYKES, J.G., BORRUEL, L., SUJECKI, S., ESQUIVIAS, I., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M., LARKINS, E.C. and KRAKOWSKI, M., 2002. Hot-cavity modelling of high-power tapered laser diodes using wide-angle 3D FD-BPM In: 2002 IEEE/LEOS annual meeting. 91-92
  • ZHANG, Y., LIM, J.J., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and LARKINS, E.C., 2002. Novel design of laser diodes with distributed phase correction In: Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling. 65-
  • LIDGATE, S.C.M., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2002. Conformal mapping: limitations for waveguide bend analysis IEE Proceedings. Science, Measurement and Technology. 149(5), 262-266
  • SUJECKI, S., BORRUEL, L., WYKES, J.G., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P., MORENO, P.D., ESQUIVIAS, I. and LARKINS, E.C., 2002. Design of high power pump lasers for C-band EDFA amplifiers In: Proceedings of 2002 4th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. 146-150
  • SUJECKI, S., WYKES, J.G., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M., LARKINS, E.C., BORRUEL, L., ESQUIVIAS, I., ROMERO, B., ERBERT, G., WENZEL, H. and SUMPF, B., 2002. Quasi-3D optoelectronic modelling of 730 nm tapered laser diodes In: Technical digest: summaries of papers presented at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-optics. 598-599
  • WYKES, J.G., BORRUEL, L., SUJECKI, S., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M., LARKINS, E.C. and ESQUIVIAS, I., 2002. Convergence behaviour of coupled electromagnetic/electronic high power laser models In: The Fourth International Conference on Computation in Electromagnetics.
  • BIWOJNO, K., SUJECKI, S., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2002. Numerical analysis of thermal switching in silicon based integrated optical devices In: Elektronika. 43-44
  • BIWOJNO, K., SUJECKI, S., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2002. Numerical Analysis of Thermal Switching in Silicon Based Integrated Optical Devices In: Phtoonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry and High-Energy Phsyics Experiments - 10th Symposium on Photonics and HEP Experiments.
  • SEWELL, P., BIWOJNO, K., SUJECKI, S. and BENSON, T.M., 2002. A thermal model for silicon-on-insulator-based waveguide modulators In: Proceedings of 2002 4th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. 151-154
  • VORGUL, I., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2002. Full vector analysis of optical fibre facet In: Conference proceedings 2002 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory: MMET*02. 233-235
  • STYAN, C., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2002. Automatic synthesis of wideband degenerate rib waveguides In: SIOE '02.
  • BORISKINA, S.V., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and NOSICH, A.I., 2002. Full-vectorial integral equation analysis of arbitrary shaped waveguides including leakage, losses and gain In: PIERS 2002.
  • THOMAS, D.W.P., DENTON, A.C., KONEFAL, T., BENSON, T., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., DAWSON, J.E., MARVIN, A., PORTER, S.J. and SEWELL, P., 2001. Model of the electromagnetic fields inside a cuboidal enclosure populated with conducting planes or printed circuit boards IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 43(2), 161-169
  • MANENKOV, A.B., BENSON, T.M., KENDALL, P.C. and SEWELL, P., 2001. Applicability of scalar theory for analysis of mode reflection from an optical dielectric waveguide end Optical and Quantum Electronics. 33(12), 1195-1204
  • SUJECKI, S., WYKES, J.G., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and LARKINS, E.C., 2001. Optical properties of tapered laser cavities In: 3rd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. 55-
  • BORRUEL, L., ESQUIVIAS, I., SUJECKI, S., WYKES, J.G., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and LARKINS, E.C., 2001. Simulacion bidimensional de diodos laser de alto brillo Proceedings of the 2nd Spanish Meeting on Optoelectronics (OPTOEL). EMS25-
  • BORRUEL, L., ESQUIVIAS, I., SUJECKI, S., WYKES, J.G., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and LARKINS, E.C., 2001. Simulacion cuasitridimensional de diodos laser de alto brillo In: I Congresso Nacional de Sumulacion Cuasitridimensional de diodos laser de alto brillo, Spain 12-14 September 2001.
  • DE POMERAI, D., DANIELLS, C., DAVID, H., ALLAN, J., DUCE, I., MUTWAKIL, M., THOMAS, D., SEWELL, P., TATTERSALL, J. and JONES, D., 2000. Microwave Radiation Induces a Heat-Shock Response and Enhances Growth in the Nematode Caenorhabditis Elegans IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. VOL 48(NUMB 11), 2076-2081
  • DE POMERAI, D., DANIELS, C., DAVID, H., ALLAN, J., DUCE, I.R., MUTWAKIL, M., THOMAS, D.W.P., SEWELL, P., TATTERSALL, J.E.H. and CANDIDO, P., 2000. Microwave radiation induces the heat-shock response in caenorhabditis elegans Nature. 405,
  • GREEDY, S.C., ARRAND, H.F., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2000. Fibre coupling to SiGe optoelectronic devices IEE Proceedings. Optoelectronics. 147(6), 391-394
  • BENSON, T.M., ARRAND, H.F., SEWELL, P., NIEMEYER, D., LONI, A., BOZEAT, R.J., KRUEGER, M.G., ARENS-FISCHER, R., THONISSEN, M. and LUTH, H., 2000. Progress towards achieving integrated circuit functionality using porous silicon optoelectronic components Materials Science and Engineering. B, Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology. 69-70, 92-99
  • VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and KENDALL, P.C., 2000. Advances in facet design for buried lasers and amplifiers IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 6(1), 175-184
  • VOROZOV, N.N., DOLGYI, L., YAKOVTSEVA, V., BONDARENKO, V., BALUCANI, M., LAMEDICA, G., FERRARI, A., VITRANT, G., BROQUIN, J.E., BENSON, T.M., ARRAND, H.F. and SEWELL, P., 2000. Self-aligned oxidised porous silicon optical waveguides with reduced loss Electronics Letters. 36(8), 722-723
  • SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2000. Efficient curvature analysis of buried waveguides Journal of Lightwave Technology. 18(9), 1321-1329
  • BRADLEY, K.J., CLARE, J.C., FERRAH, R.M.A., WHEELER, P.W. and SEWELL, P., 2000. Enhanced harmonic injection for determination of harmonic loss in induction machines In: Eighth International Conference on Power Electronics and Variable Speed Drives. 212-217
  • VUKOVIC, A., GREEDY, S.C., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and KENDALL, P.C., 2000. Advances in spectral methods for optoelectronic design In: Facta Universitatis. Series Electronics and Energetics. 73-82
  • BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and VUKOVIC, A., 2000. Interfacing the finite difference beam propagation method with fast semi-analytic techniques In: Proceedings of the Integrated Photonics Research 2000.
  • SUJECKI, S., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and KENDALL, P.C., 2000. Tapered rib waveguides: fast and accurate finite difference beam propagation method Optica Applicata. 30(1), 177-182
  • SUJECKI, S., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P., KENDALL, P.C. and MAJEWSKI, A., 2000. Beam propagation analysis of nonlinear tapers In: 2000 2nd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. 37-40
  • GREEDY, S.C., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T.M., 2000. Spectral index method applied to the analysis of whispering gallery modes in semiconductor disk resonators In: Conference proceedings: 2000 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory: MMET 2000. 412-414
  • BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and VUKOVIC, A., 2000. Spectral propagation methods for OEIC design In: 2000 2nd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. 45-48
  • VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and KENDALL, P.C., 2000. Propagation in 3D structures buried in close proximity to an air boundary In: Semiconductor and Integrated Optoelectronics Conference (SIOE 2000).
  • VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and KENDALL, P.C., 1999. Facet reflectivity in the presence of a diffracting corner Optical and Quantum Electronics. 31(4), 327-335
  • BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P., SUJECKI, S. and KENDALL, P.C., 1999. Structure related beam propagation Optical and Quantum Electronics. 31, 689-
  • SUJECKI, S., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and KENDALL, P.C., 1999. Novel Beam propagation algorithms for tapered optical structures Journal of Lightwave Technology. 17, 2379-
  • SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and KENDALL, P.C., 1999. Efficient and accurate models of buried spot-size convertors Optical and Quantum Electronics. 31(9-10), 909-925
  • HSU, P., ANADA, T., BENSON, T.M. and SEWELL, P., 1999. Method for calculating the properties of polarisation-maintaining 3D waveguides in very thin multilayered structures IEE Proceedings. Optoelectronics. 146(3), 165-171
  • SEWELL, P., BRADLEY, K. J., CLARE, J. C., WHEELER, P. W., FERRAH, A. and MAGILL, R., 1999. Efficient dynamic models for induction machines International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields. 12(6), 449-464
  • SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and KENDALL, P.C., 1999. Rib waveguide spot-size transformers: modal properties Journal of Lightwave Technology. 17(5), 848-856
  • VUKOVIC, A., GREEDY, S.C., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and KENDALL, P.C., 1999. Advances in spectral methods for optoelectronic design In: TELSIKS '99: proceedings of papers: 4th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satellite, Cable, and Broadcasting Services. 329-332
  • BRADLEY, K.J., MAGILL, R., CLARE, J.C., WHEELER, P.W. and SEWELL, P., 1999. Precision calorimetry for loss evaluation In: IEE Half Day Colloquium on Testing of Electrical Machines. 3/1-3/3
  • BRADLEY, K.J., MAGILL, R., CLARE, J.C., WHEELER, P.W. and SEWELL, P., 1999. Precision Calorimetry for Stray Load Loss Determination In: Proceedings of EEMODS 99. 343 - 352
  • CLARE, J.C., BRADLEY, K.J., MAGILL, R., WHEELER, P.W. and SEWELL, P., 1999. Additional loss due to operation of machines from inverters In: IEE Half Day Colloquium on Testing of Electrical Machines. 5/1-5/8
  • BRADLEY, K.J., MAGILL, R., CLARE, J.C., WHEELER, P.W. and SEWELL, P., 1999. Improvements to precision measurement of stray load loss by calorimeter In: Ninth International Conference on Electrical Machines and Drives. 189-193
  • CLARE, J.C., BRADLEY, K.J., MAGILL, R., KINNARES, V. and SEWELL, P., 1999. Additional loss in machines fed from inverter supplies In: IEE Half Day Colloquium on Testing of Machines.
  • BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P., KENDALL, P.C. and SUJECKI, S., 1999. Finite difference methods in optoelectronic simulation In: International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks. 47-48
  • DANIELLS, C., DUCE, I., THOMAS, D., SEWELL, P., TATTERSALL, J. and DE POMERAI, D., 1998. Transgenic nematodes as biomonitors of microwave-induced stress Mutation Research. VOL 399(ISSUE 1), 55-64
  • SEWELL, P., TURNER, J.D., ROBINSON, M.P., THOMAS, D.W.P., BENSON, T.M., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., DAWSON, J.F., GANLEY, M.D., MARVIN, A.C. and PORTER, S.J., 1998. A comparison of analytical, numerical and approximate models for Shielding effectiveness with measurement IEE Proceedings - Science, Measurement and Technology. 145,
  • VUKOVIC, A., SUJECKI, S., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and KENDALL, P.C., 1998. Singularity-corrected spectral index method IEE Proceedings. Optoelectronics. 145(1), 59-64
  • ARRAND, H.F., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P. and LONI, A., 1998. Optical waveguides in porous silicon pre-patterned by localised nitrogen implantation Journal of Luminescence. 80(1-4), 199-202
  • SUJECKI, S., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and KENDALL, P.C., 1998. Novel vectorial analysis of optical waveguides Journal of Lightwave Technology. 16, 1329-
  • VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and KENDALL, P.C., 1998. Degraded facet performance caused by edge proximity Electronics Letters. 34(20), 1939-1940
  • REED, M., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and KENDALL, P.C., 1998. An Efficient Propagation Algorithm for 3D Optical Waveguides IEE Proceedings - Optoelectronics. 145,
  • SEWELL, P., BRADLEY, K.J., CLARE, J.C., WHEELER, P.W. and MAGILL, R., 1998. Dynamic reluctance mesh modelling of induction machines In: ICEM 98 proceedings: International Conference on Electrical Machines. 1324-1329
  • SEWELL, P., BRADLEY, K.J., CLARE, J.C., WHEELER, P.W., MAGILL, R. and MACLEOD, P., 1998. A High Precision Calorimeter for the Measurement of Induction Motor Efficiency In: Proceedings of IAS98 Conference.
  • MACLEOD, P., BRADLEY, K.J., CLARE, J.C., WHEELER, P.W., SEWELL, P. and MAGILL, R., 1998. High precision calorimetry for the measurement of the efficiency of induction motors In: Conference record of the 1998 IEEE Industry Applications Conference: Thirty-Third IAS Annual Meeting. 304-311
  • SEWELL, P., SUJECKI, S., BENSON, T.M. and KENDALL, P.C., 1998. A novel beam propagation algorithm for three dimensional tapers In: OSA/IEEE Integrated Photonics Research Tech. Digest. 14-16
  • SEWELL, P., REED, M., BENSON, T. M., KENDALL, P. C. and NOUREDDINE, M., 1997. Computationally efficient analysis of buried waveguides with applications to semiconductor lasers IEE Proceedings - Optoelectronics. VOL 144(PART 1), 14-18
  • SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M., REED, M. and KENDALL, P.C., 1997. Transcendental equation for the vectorial modes of buried optical waveguides IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. 9(1), 70-72
  • SEWELL, P., REED, M., BENSON, T. M. and KENDALL, P. C., 1997. Full Vector Analysis of Two-Dimensional Angled and Coated Optical Waveguide Facets IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. VOL 33(NUMBER 12), 2311-2318
  • REED, M., BENSON, T. M., SEWELL, P. D. and KENDALL, P. C., 1997. The Free-Space Radiation Mode Method for the Analysis of Coated Angled Facets and Comparison with a FDTD Method Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. VOL 15(NUMBER 1), 12-16
  • SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and KENDALL, P.C., 1997. Sectorial coordinates for curved optical waveguides Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 14(4), 202-204
  • REED, M., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T. M. and KENDALL, P. C., 1997. Limitations of One-Dimensional Models of Waveguide Facets Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. VOL 15(NUMBER 4), 196-198
  • VUKOVIC, A., SUJECKI, S., SMARTT, C.J., SEWELL, P., KENDALL, P.C. and BENSON, T.M., 1997. Analysis of large rib waveguides in silicon-on-insulator materials In: Proceedings TELSIKS 1997.
  • VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M. and KENDALL, P.C., 1997. Novel Half Space Radiation Mode Method for Buried Waveguide Analysis Optical and Quantum Electronics. 1, 43-51
  • REED, M., BENSON, T.M., KENDALL, P.C. and SEWELL, P., 1996. Antireflection-coated angled facet design IEE Proceedings. Optoelectronics. 143(4), 214-220
  • SEWELL, P., ANADA, T., BENSON, T.M. and KENDALL, P.C., 1996. Non-standard beam propagation Microwave and Optical Technology Letters. 13(1), 24-26
  • REED, M., BENSON, T.M., SEWELL, P., KENDALL, P.C., BERRY, G.M. and DEWAR, S.V., 1996. Free space radiation mode analysis of rectangular dielectric waveguides Optical and Quantum Electronics. 28(9), 1175-1179
  • SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M., KENDALL, P.C. and ANADA, T., 1996. Tapered beam propagation Electronics Letters. 32(11), 1025-1026
  • SEWELL, P., BENSON, T.M., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., ANADA, T. and HSU, P., 1996. Analysis of the electromagnetic field distribution in a microwave circuit using the TLM method and comparison with the normal mode expansion method and experiments In: 3rd International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics. 165-170

George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research

The Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
