GI and Liver Diseases Medical and Surgical Research

Seminar: Haemodynamic complications to cirrhosis and portal hypertension

D96, Medical School, Nottingham, QMC
Friday 8th June 2018 (12:30-13:30)

On Friday 8th June, the Nottingham Digestive Diseases and NIHR Biomedical Research Centre’s lunchtime seminar will be given by Professor Soren Moller from the University of Copenhagen in D96 of the Medical School.

The title of his talk will be “Haemodynamic complications to cirrhosis and portal hypertension” and will last 20-30 minutes to ensure plenty of time for questions and discussion afterwards.

There is a free lunch buffet beforehand (12.30 - 1).

Professor Moller is a Professor in Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine with special focus on haemodynamic and homoeostatic pathophysiology. He is chief physician and specialist in Clinical Physiology and Nuclear Medicine at Hvidovre Hospital and University of Copenhagen. He is part of the editorial board for Journal of Hepatology and has over 200 international and national publications including original papers, review articles and book chapters on haemodynamic, humoral, and metabolic aspects of chronic liver disease. Main research topics include pathophysiology and metabolism and haemodynamic and homeostatic complications to chronic liver disease and portal hypertension in particular with focus on organ-related complications and fluid retention. Current research programmes cover studies on changes in pulmonary function (hepatopulmonary syndrome), impact of bacterial translocation and inflammation of cardiac and renal function in cirrhosis, pathophysiology and epidemiology relating to cirrhotic cardiomyopathy and investigation of novel biomarkers of renal injury (NGAL), cardiac failure (hsTNT), inflammation (hsCRP,sUPAR) and the prognostic potential of these systems.

Nottingham Digestive Diseases Centre

The University of Nottingham
E Floor, West Block, Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

telephone: +44 (0) 115 82 31090