GI and Liver Diseases Medical and Surgical Research

Dr Neil Guha appointed NHS Innovation Accelerator Fellowship


Dr Neil Guha, Clinical Associate Professor in Hepatology at the Nottingham Digestive Diseases Centre, has been named as one of the first cohort of 17 Fellows under the NHS National Innovation Accelerator (NIA) programme.

The Fellows were selected from over 120 applications worldwide. To be successful they had to demonstrate that they are healthcare pioneers who have developed new ways of working that are improving the way patients are treated and cared for.

Read the press release:  

Find out more about the NIA:  

Posted on Thursday 9th July 2015

Nottingham Digestive Diseases Centre

The University of Nottingham
E Floor, West Block, Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

telephone: +44 (0) 115 82 31090