Health of Older People

Seminar: Neuroexercise

Engineering & Science Learning Centre, Room B02, University Park
Wednesday 26th September 2018 (12:30-15:00)
RSVP: Melanie Heeley,

Speaker: Professor Stefan Schneider, Institute of Movement and Neurosciences, German Sport University Cologne

Prof Stefan Schneider who is a Sport Scientist at the University of Cologne in Germany is coming to visit the Division of Rehabilitation and Ageing on Wednesday 26 September to present his exercise research in different populations including people with dementia.

His fundamental work interest is on neuro-cognitive and neuro-affective performance in extreme environments as well as the correlation between brain activity, exercise and health following a holistic body-mind interaction.

He is a member of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS), Sport Medicine Australia (SMA) and the American College of Sport Science (ACSM). He was recently awarded Germany’s “Science Award of the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB)”


12:30-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:30 Professor Stefan Schneider
13:30-14:30 Discussion


Health of Older People Research Group

School of Medicine
Medical School, QMC
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

telephone: +44 (0) 115 8230239