Health of Older People

Nottingham staff lead Early Career Workshop in Brazil



Staff from the University of Nottingham led and participated in a pioneering Early Career Workshop at the Faculty of Medicine, State University of Sao Paolo Botucatu, Brazil, on 11-12 June 2018.

The OPAL workshop brought together 13 early career researchers from the UK, with 17 counterparts from Brazil in disciplines ranging from musculoskeletal physiology to applied health services research. 

Over the course of the week, through a process of keynote lectures and expert mentorship, the delegates developed research proposals related to dementia, musculoskeletal frailty and long-term care.  Lasting relationships were formed and these ideas will now be developed into bids for research funding bodies. 

The workshop was organised by Dr Reena Devi and Dr Kathryn Hinsliff-Smith, from Division of Medical Sciences and Graduate Entry Medicine.  Associate Professor Dr Adam Gordon was the UK lead facilitator. Professor Alessandro Ferrari Jacinto from the State University of Sao Paolo led an expert Brazilian facilitation team.



Posted on Monday 18th June 2018

Health of Older People Research Group

School of Medicine
Medical School, QMC
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

telephone: +44 (0) 115 8230239