Health of Older People

FICH BGS blog article


The Falls in Care Homes feasibility randomised controlled trial is nearly finished. This study which is by Professor Pip Logan and funded by the NIHR Research for Patient Benefit scheme has been successful. It has shown that care homes welcome falls prevention training and can take part in rigorous research, that the intervention to prevent falls can be delivered and that Nottingham has the expertise to complete large trials in this area.

The intervention is called the Guide to Action in Care Homes and is jointly provided by the NHS and the care home staff. It aims to make sure that everyone working and living in the care home is aware of the impact of falls and that they take actions to prevent falls without restricting activity or liberty.

The grant was awarded to Nottingham City Care Partnership and has been a joint venture with the University of Nottingham. The team includes staff from both organisation and care home managers and lay members. Professor Pip Logan and team have now submitted a larger grant application to the NIHR HTA funding stream to complete a multi-centre evaluation of the intervention. The outcome should be announced in August 2014.



Posted on Wednesday 9th July 2014

Health of Older People Research Group

School of Medicine
Medical School, QMC
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

telephone: +44 (0) 115 8230239