Human Factors Research Group


CloudFlow is a 3.5 year collaborative research project which aims to open up the power of Cloud Computing for engineering workflows such that engineers can access services on the Cloud spanning domains such as CAD, CAM, CAE (CFD), Systems and PLM; and combining them to integrated workflows leveraging HPC resources.

The SME-driven Integrating Project (IP) is funded by the EU-FP7 and is part of the Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) initiative. The multidisciplinary research project incorporates seven SMEs: Missler (CAD/CAM), JOTNE (PLM), Numeca (CAE/CFD), ITI (Systems), Arctur (HPC), Stellba Hydro (hydraulic machines/hydro turbines) and CARSA (business models and security); and four renowned research institutions: DFKI, SINTEF, University of Nottingham and Fraunhofer.

CloudFlow will conduct two Open Calls for external experiments investigating the use of the CloudFlow infrastructure in new and innovative ways, outreaching into the engineering and manufacturing community and engaging external partners. Each of these two Open Calls will look for seven additional experiments to gather experience with engineering Cloud uses and gaining insights from these experiments.

For more information, visit the CloudFlow website or email Dr. Glyn Lawson or Dr. Setia Hermawati.

Human Factors Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham

Telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 4040