Human Factors Research Group

Local Knowledge in Rail Control

The term local knowledge is used by Signallers to describe information specific to a particular location or signal box. This information has been suggested, by Signallers, as necessary to ensure that Signaller duties are performed safely and efficiently. Network Rail is considering which information falls under the umbrella heading of local knowledge, and how it is used by the railway Signaller. This insight is vital when considering the design of future job roles and whether this information should be integrated into future systems or automation.

This work has involved qualitative research methods to explore key themes, which are recognized as being relevant to a Signaller’s local knowledge. These include the local infrastructure, rolling stock, geography and how local characteristics or system insufficiencies influence a Signaller’s decision making and actions. The aim of the project is to provide a broad overview of the different types of local knowledge and the influence each has upon the duties of a Signaller.

This project has been extended to consider the role of the railway lookout and their interpretation of the term local knowledge.

For more information, email Dr Laura Pickup

Human Factors Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park, Nottingham

Telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 4040