The SATIN (Sound and Tangible Interfaces for Novel Product Design) project (EU project number FP6-IST-5-034525) aims to investigate a new generation of multimodal and multisensory interfaces, supporting free-hand interaction with virtual shapes.
The main goal of SATIN is to develop a system for 3D shape modification and exploration by means of free hands using the metaphor of “tape sketching” and the metaphor of “bending along curvilinear trajectory” under the control of integrated and fused visual, audio and haptic feedbacks.
The Human Factors Research Group (HFRG) is leading the evaluation of the interface, worked with users (including a stylised household products design company, a car design company and a glass manufacturer) to specify the user requirements of the system and has developed a set of roadmaps identifying the role of interactive technology for future design practice.
For more information, visit the SATIN website or email Dr Sarah Sharples.