Teaching Summary
Social Psychology
Health Psychology
Psychological Wellbeing and Mental Health
Qualitative and Quantiative methodologies
Research Summary
Blerina's research investigates how people collectively deal with and are affected by extreme life events from illness and accidents to war, torture and immigration detention. This includes the… read more
Current Research
Blerina's research investigates how people collectively deal with and are affected by extreme life events from illness and accidents to war, torture and immigration detention. This includes the interplay between Social Cure and Social Curse analysis of war, dictatorship, transitional justice, immigration detention, social prescribing, and vocational rehabilitation.
In collaboration with colleagues at Nottingham University, Blerina is working on a NIHR programme grant developing an intervention supporting trauma patients to return to work.
Blerina is leading a multi-disciplinary and multi-national research project exploring the role of transitional justice processes (like documenting trauma, reconciliation, recognition, redress, forgiveness and peace building) on mental health and the risk of further intergroup conflict.
Blerina is also leading research investigating the quality of life in Immigration Removal Centres in the UK, focusing on identity, coping, support, relationships, and mental health. She is exploring barriers to mental health access among undocumented migrants in detention and community.
Past Research
- Esposito, F., & Kellezi, B. (2020). Border violence, migrant resistance, and acts of solidarity at individual, collective, and community levels: Critical reflections from a Community Psychology perspective. Community Psychology in Global Perspective, 6(1), 1-16.
- Stevenson, C., Costa, S., Easterbrook, M., McNamara, N., & Kellezi, B. (2020). Social cure processes help lower intergroup anxiety among neighbourhood residents. Political Psychology.
- Stevenson, C., Costa, S., Wakefield, J., Kellezi, B., & Stack, R. (2020). Family Identification Facilitates Coping with Financial Stress: A Social Identity Approach to Family Financial Resilience. Journal of Economic Psychology, 102271.
- Wakefield, J. R., Bowe, M., Kellezi, B., Butcher, A., & Groeger, J. A. (2020). Longitudinal associations between family identification, loneliness, depression, and sleep quality. British journal of health psychology, 25(1), 1-16.
- Macaulay, P. J. R., Betts, L. R., Stiller, J., & Kellezi, B. (2020). 'The more public it is, the more severe it is': teachers' perceptions on the roles of publicity and severity in cyberbullying. Research Papers in Education.
- Kellezi, B. Beckett, K. Earthy, S. Barnes, J. Sleney, J. S. Jones, T. Kendrick, D. (2020) What can trauma patients' experiences and perspectives tell us about the perceived quality of trauma care? A qualitative study set within the UK National Health Service. Injury
- Bridger, K. M., Binder, J. F., & Kellezi, B. (2020). Secondary Traumatic Stress in Foster Carers: Risk Factors and Implications for Intervention. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29(2), 482-492.
- Kellezi, B., Wakefield, J. R. H., Stevenson, C., McNamara, N., Mair, E., Bowe, M., ... & Halder, M. M. (2019). The social cure of social prescribing: a mixed-methods study on the benefits of social connectedness on quality and effectiveness of care provision. BMJ open, 9(11).
- Wakefield, J. R., Bowe, M., Kellezi, B., Butcher, A., & Groeger, J. A. (2019). Longitudinal associations between family identification, loneliness, depression, and sleep quality. British journal of health psychology.
- Macaulay, P. J. R., Betts, L. R., Stiller, J., & Kellezi, B. (2019). " It's so fluid, it's developing all the time": pre-service teachers' perceptions and understanding of cyberbullying in the school environment. Educational Studies.
- Kellezi, B., Guxholli, A. and Stevenson, C., 2019. The dictatorship from the victims' perspective. the role of the families. In: The outcast from the power: prisons, internment and forced labour in Albania 1945-1990. Tirana: Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Albania, pp. 406-418.
- Wakefield JRH, Bowe M, Kellezi B, McNamara N, Stevenson C. (2019). When groups help
and when groups harm: Origins, developments, and future directions of the "Social Cure" perspective of group dynamics. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, e12440.
- Halder MM, Wakefield, J.R., Bowe, M., Kellezi. B., McNamara N., Stevenson., C., (2019) Evaluation and exploration of a social prescribing imitative: Study Protocol. Journal of Health Psychology.
- Bowe, M., Wakefield, J. R., Kellezi, B., McNamara, N., Harkin, L., & Jobling, R. (2019). "Sometimes, it's not just about the food": The Social Identity dynamics of foodbank helping transactions. European Journal of Social Psychology.
- Kellezi, B., Bowe, M., Wakefield, J. R., McNamara, N., & Bosworth, M. (2019). Understanding and coping with immigration detention: Social identity as cure and curse. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49(2), 333-351.
- Kendrick D, Baker R, Hill T, Beckett K, Coupland C, Kellezi B, Joseph S, Barnes J, Sleney J, Christie N, Morriss R. (2018) Early risk factors for depression, anxiety and post-traumatic distress after hospital admission for unintentional injury: Multicentre cohort study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research.
- Macaulay, P., Betts., L., Stiller, J., Kellezi., B. (2018) Perceptions and response towards cyberbullying: A systematic review on educational practitioners. Aggression and Violent Behavior
- Stevenson, C., Easterbrook., M., Harkin, L., McNamara., M., Kellezi., B., Shuttleworth, I., (2018) Neighbourhood Identity Helps Residents Cope with Residential Diversification: Contact in Increasingly Mixed Neighbourhoods of Northern Ireland. Political Psychology
- Stevenson, C., McNamara., M., Kellezi., B., Easterbrook., M., Hyden. D., (2018) Re-identifying Residential Mixing: Emergent Dynamics Between Incomers and Existing Residents in a Desegregated Neighbourhood in Northern Ireland. European Journal of Social Psychology.
- Kendrick, D., Dhiman, P., Kellezi, B., Coupland, C., Whitehead, J., Beckett, K., Christie, N., Sleney, J., Barnes, J., Joseph, S., & Morriss, R. (2017). British Journal of General Practice. Psychological morbidity and return to work after injury: multicentre cohort study.
- Bosworth, M., & Kellezi, B. (2017). Getting in, getting out and getting back: conducting long-term research in immigration detention centres. In Reflexivity and Criminal Justice (pp. 237-262). Palgrave Macmillan, London.
- Bosworth, M. & Kellezi, B. (2016). Doing research in immigration removal centres: Ethics, emotions and impact. Criminology and Criminal Justice.
- Kellezi, B., Coupland, C., Morriss, R., Beckett, K., Joseph, S., Barnes, J., Christie, N., Sleney. J., & Kendrick, D. (2016) The impact of psychological factors on recovery from injury: multicentre cohort study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology.
- Kendrick, D., Kellezi, B., Coupland, C., Maula, A., Beckett, K., Morriss. R., Joseph, S., Barnes, J., Sleney, J. & Christie, N. (2016) Psychological morbidity and health related quality cohort study. Quality of Life Research.
- Christie, N., Beckett, K., Earthy, S., Kellezi, B., Sleney, J., Barnes, J., ... & Kendrick, D. (2016). Seeking support after hospitalisation for injury: a nested qualitative study of the role of primary care. British Journal of General Practice. 66(642), e24-e31.
- Patel, N. Williams A. Kellezi, B. (2016) Reviewing outcomes of psychological interventions with torture survivors: conceptual, methodological and ethical issues. Torture.
- Kellezi, B. Beckett, K. Earthy, S. Barnes, J. Sleney, J. Clarkson, J. Regel, S. Jones, T. Kendrick, D. (2015) Understanding and meeting information needs following unintentional injury: comparing the accounts of patients, carers and service providers. Injury
- Kellezi, B., Baines, D.L., Coupland, C., Beckett, K., Barnes, J., … & Kendrick D. (2015). The impact of injuries on health service resource use and costs in primary and secondary care in the English NHS. Journal of Public Health. pii: fdv173
- Patel N, Kellezi B, Williams ACDC. (2014) Psychological, social and welfare interventions for psychological health and well-being of torture survivors (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.
- Beckett, K., Earthy, S., Sleney, J., Barnes, J., Kellezi, B., Barker, M., Clarkson, J., Kendrick, D., and the Impact of Injuries Study group. (2014) Providing effective trauma care: the potential for service provider views to enhance the quality of care. BMJ Open. 2014. 4(7): p. e005668.
- Kellezi B, Reicher, S. (2014) The double insult: Explaining gender differences in the psychological consequences of war. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. July, 2014. doi: 10.1037/pac0000043
- Bosworth, M. Kellezi. B. (2013). Quality of Life in Immigration Removal centres. Journal of prison research. 205; 10-15
- Bosworth, M., Kellezi, B. (2013) 'Citizenship and Belonging in a Women's Immigration Detention Centre' in C Phillips and C Webster (eds), New Directions in Race, Ethnicity and Crime (Routledge 2013)
- Kellezi, B., Reicher, S. (2012) 'Social cure' or 'social curse'?: The psychological impact of extreme events during the Kosovo conflict. In J. Jetten, C. Haslam, and S.A. Haslam (Eds.), The social cure: Identity, health, and well-being. New York: Psychology Press.
- Patel N, Kellezi B, Williams ACDC. (2011) Psychological, social and welfare interventions for psychological health and well-being of torture survivors (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews Issue 10. Art. No.: CD009317. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009317.
- Kellezi, B. (2010) Depression in Albanian adolescents: family, peer and school impact. Journal of Alb-Shkenca Institute. 3;4.
- Kellezi, B. (2010) Depresioni ne Adoleshentet Shqiptar. Vlefshmeria e BDI ne gjuhen Shqipe. (In Albanian: Depression in Albanian Adolescents. Validity of BDI in Albanian language). Pedagogji; 2; 119-125.
- Kellezi, B., Reicher. S., Cassidy, C. (2009) Appraisal, social identity and trauma. The case of Kosovo Albanians. Applied Psychology; An international Review. Special issue: Social Identity, Health and Well-being. 58; 1, 59-83. DOI: 10.1111/j.1464-0597.2008.00382.x
- Kellezi, B. (2005) Appraisal of Traumatic Events and Traditional Culture amongst Kosovo Albanians. The British Psychological Society, Quinquennial Conference, University of Manchester. Abstract published in The Psychologist, July 2005, Vol 16 (6) pg 348.