Social Justice and the Law Group

Social Justice and the Law Group

The Law and Social Justice Research Group was founded in September 2022 to bring together like-minded researchers from the School of Law who are conducting research or who have an active interest in legal issues related to social justice.

At the School of Law we have a number of colleagues with expertise in this area. Examples of research undertaken by the group includes the role of personhood in advance planning and domestic compatibility with the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; improving access to justice for autistic people in criminal justice settings through the coproduction of training; the history of mental health and mental capacity law, and its interface with family law; and assessing how the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 is being implemented by local authorities to prevent and reduce homelessness.

We host monthly meetings to discuss ongoing projects, inspire research ideas and provide peer support.

This group is led by Dr Grace Carter.


Social Justice and the Law Group

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD