Stroke Rehabilitation Research

Dr Rebecca Fisher to lead NIHR HSDR study


Dr Rebecca Fisher (Division of Rehabilitation & Ageing) will lead an NIHR HSDR study starting in September 2017: What is the impact of large scale implementation of stroke Early Supported Discharge? £618,549

The three-year study will investigate the implementation and effectiveness of stroke Early Supported Discharge services across England. It involves an exciting collaboration with the Royal College of Physicians' Sentinal Stroke National Audit Programme and a world class team of co-applicants from Nottingham, Leicester and Glasgow.  The aim is to facilitate provision of evidence based care for stroke survivors leaving hospital.

Find out more about Stroke Rehabilitation research at the School of Medicine.

Posted on Tuesday 1st August 2017

Stroke Rehabilitation Research

The University of Nottingham
School of Medicine

telephone: +44 (0) 115 823 0246