Stroke Rehabilitation Research

Postdoc researcher in stroke rehabilitation awarded Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship


Dr Laura Condon, a postdoctoral researcher in stroke rehabilitation in the Division of Rehabilitation and Ageing, has been awarded a prestigious 2014 Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Fellowship.

This travelling fellowship will enable Laura to study successful models of clinician and patient interactions in stroke rehabilitation across Australia and North America.

The fellowships are awarded to outstanding individuals and enables overseas travel to observe examples of best practice which will benefit the UK.

The fellowships are open to British citizens, and this year applications exceeded 1,180 nationally. [This is the first WCMT fellowship to be awarded to a Nottingham academic since 1992].



Posted on Friday 21st February 2014

Stroke Rehabilitation Research

The University of Nottingham
School of Medicine

telephone: +44 (0) 115 823 0246