Undergraduate Cancer Sciences induction timetable

Your induction is a programme of activities and events to introduce you to your school and course. It's important that you attend each induction activity to give you the best start to the year.

Save this page to your favourites, and check back regularly as timetables can change.

University card collection times and locations: Please visit the card collection webpage to find out when and where you can collect your card.

Additional Welcome Week events: Visit the events page to explore the exciting activities that you can get involved in across our campuses throughout Welcome Week.

Monday 25 September 

Welcome activities taking place on Monday 25 September

10.30– 11.30am  

Welcome from the Course Director   

Professor Kevin Gaston will welcome you to the course and tell you more about it. You will also have the opportunity to meet other staff associated with the course

 A1, Psychology Building, University Park Campus


Studying languages at the University of Nottingham (UoN) 

A talk from the language team about studying languages as an optional module at UoN

 A1, Psychology Building, University Park Campus


Education and student experience (ESE) talk

Talk from the student experience team 

 A1, Psychology Building, University Park Campus


Wellbeing talk

Talk from the university’s Wellbeing team  

A1, Psychology Building, University Park Campus


Welcome lunch and collect your hoodies  

An opportunity to collect your cancer sciences hoodies and have lunch with your peers and the cancer sciences team

A1, Psychology Building, University Park Campus


Welcome from the Cancer Sciences Society (OncoSoc)  

Find out more about the Cancer Sciences Society, OncoSoc, followed by an activity 

A1, Psychology Building, University Park Campus


Tuesday 26 September 

Welcome activities taking place on Tuesday 26 September


Library welcome session  

Find out what services the library offers and how they can support you during your studies on the course

Online: Teams link


Meet your personal tutors

You will have the opportunity to meet your tutor, who will be your first point of contact for academic and pastoral issues while you are at university

C1052, Medical School, Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC)


Introduction to the MSci (delivered by Alan McIntyre)  

For students registered on the MSci Cancer Sciences and year 2 BSc students considering continuing to the MSci Cancer Sciences   

C1052, Medical School, QMC


Wednesday 27 September 

Welcome activities taking place on Wednesday 27 September


Finance Talk

An opportunity to ask the Finance team any questions you may have

Teams link

11am–12 noon

Academic communication  

This session aims to help you understand the academic conventions you are expected to follow by the university, including academic integrity, criticality and formality

Teams link: 


12 noon–12.30pm 

Introduction to Academic Language and Communication Skills (ALACS)

This session gives an overview of the support ALACS offers to help you achieve your academic potential, including academic literacies, linguistic competence and communications skills whilst you are studying 

Teams link: 



Academic essentials  

This session aims to introduce the main modes of academic communication used at the university - Moodle and email - and how to make the best and most appropriate use of them

Teams link: 







Let’s be clear on consent




IT induction

Consent training will be offered to all first-year students. It’ll explore; what is consent and why it’s important? And how can we contribute to a positive and safe university community?


An overview of the IT systems used at Nottingham

Med School LT4




Teams link: https://nott.ac/3t2HNcx


Thursday 28 September 

Welcome activities taking place on Thursday 28 September


The journey of a cancer patient  

You will hear about cancer patients and the effect of their illness; consultants who work with cancer patients; and cancer researchers who work in developing more effective cancer treatments  

Lecture Theatre 3 (LT3), Medical School, QMC


Moodle induction  

An introduction to using Moodle for your studies, delivered by the Learning Technology team

C1071, Medical School, QMC


Friday 29 September  

Welcome activities taking place on Friday 29 September


Genes, molecules and cells introductory talk  

An introduction to the genes, molecules and cells module delivered by life sciences

Coates Road Auditorium, University Park Campus




Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences


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