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Students are taught by a range of methods across the disciplines and some of those methods can tap into typical characteristics of dyslexia.

Here you will find suggestions for making some teaching methods more accessible for dyslexic students. For example, you might encourage dyslexic students to choose projects and dissertations that suit their ways of learning.

You may find some ideas for increasing the accessibility of your teaching in your discipline area.

Inclusive teaching

Examples from Seminars

  • Make preparatory reading available well in advance.
  • Be specific about what to read and why.
  • Make clear in advance questions to be discussed or what is expected.

Video examples

Dyslexia video: "Strategies that dyslexic students use when reading.." Duration: 4 minutes : 48 seconds

Strategies that dyslexic students use when reading.

"…I get frustrated having to read things word by word…if I don't understand a word I hop over it,…replace it with one that fits and carry on…"

4 min 48s student perspective video by Ryan Beardsley et al., in Setting reading

Dyslexia video: "Providing notes in advance: benefits for students.." Duration: 2 minutes : 44 seconds

Providing notes in advance: benefits for students.

"…I imagine it's helpful for all students but particularly I think for myself when I'm missing quite a lot in the lectures…"

2 min 44s reasonable adjustments video by Nick Thomas et al., in Lectures

Dyslexia video: "How a dyslexic student uses handouts during and after the lecture.." Duration: 2 minutes : 7 seconds

How a dyslexic student uses handouts during and after the lecture.

"…as the lecture went on he'd write on the pdf…which he could then publish with all the annotations and with diagrams…"

2 min 7s student perspective video by Joe Cornfield, in Handouts

Thinking about dyslexia © Copyright The University of Nottingham
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