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Getting in touch

Browse Thinking about dyslexia videos by person.

Beardsley, Ryan (7 videos)

School of Physics & Astronomy

Carter, Christine (9)

Academic Support

Cornfield, Joe (6)

School of Mathematical Sciences

Dugdale, Robert (2)

School of Geography

Evans, Annie (6)

School of Humanities

Feinstein, Joel (4)

School of Mathematical Sciences

Field, Richard (3)

School of Geography

Fisher, Andrew (6)

School of Humanities

Kidd, Anna (5)

Nottingham University Business School

Sallis, Alex (5)

School of Politics & International Relations

Shaw, Michael (8)

School of Biosciences

Taylor, Barbara (7)

Academic Support

Thomas, Nick (6)

School of History

Wilkinson, Simon (2)

Medical Education Unit

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