Nottingham to be part of new CETL in RLOs

The excellent work on RLO development done by members of the SONET group has been recognised with the award of Centre of Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) by HEFCE. The CETL in Reusable Learning Objects is led by London Metropolitan University and in partnership with the University of Cambridge who we have been working closely with as part of the Universities Collaboration in eLearning (UCeL). The driving vision of the CETL is improvement in the student learning experience and achievement by building on and extending the collaborative development, use and integration of high quality RLOs. Uniquely it will include a bold, creative and comprehensive staff reward programme designed to harness existing expertise and make it shareable throughout the community.

The CETL launches in April with £3.3 million funding for the first five years of which we will be receiving £700,000 towards staffing the CETL at Nottingham and for video-conferencing and AV equipment. This award means that we can build on the excellence we have achieved so far and move forward into an exciting and sustainable future.

Thanks and well done to everyone who has contributed to RLO developments in the School.

CETL presentation (Heather Wharrad) (Powerpoint, 676kb)

Press releases

1st February 2005