About the conference


Health Care Education remains at the forefront of e-learning innovations within the UK.  Given the large number and diversity of courses available, the synergies between the professional disciplines and our diverse student populations, the concept of sharing e-learning content for health care education has never been more relevant.  A large number of institutions, initiatives and individuals are currently developing e-learning content for health in the form of reusable learning objects and related materials.  Many are willing, if not eager to share with the wider community particularly in the light of contemporary initiatives in the area of Open Educational Resources (OER).  The aim of this conference was to bring together:

in order to explore the barriers, drivers and potential impact of sharing Open Education Resources within health care education. One innovative aspect of the conference was the creation of a temporary repository populated by learning materials contributed by participants.  This allowed the showcasing of materials and acted as a model and focal point for resource-sharing.


Conference programme (PDF)

Conference programme (MS Word 2003)


The following projects presented their work related to the sharing of learning objects and e-learning resources in health:

Who attended

The conference was aimed at everyone with an interest in the development or use of e-learning resources in any aspect of health care or health care education, including project managers, academics, practitioners, media developers and instructional designers. 


All delegates were asked to fill in evaluation questionnaires about the conference, and the replies have been summarised in the document below:

Conference Evaluation Summary (RTF, 23kb)