RLO: Exploring the Synapse

Transfer of information within the synapse.

The space between the pre-synaptic membrane and the post-synaptic membrane is called the synaptic cleft.

The process of transferring information from one end of a neuron to the other end is electrical. The nerve impulse moves from the cell body down the axon to the nerve terminal.

Transfer of nerve impulse from the neuron to the post-synaptic cell is achieved by means of release of a chemical. The chemical is stored in vesicles in the pre-synaptic nerve ending. Once released from the vesicle the chemical diffuses across the synaptic cleft and combines with a specific receptor on the post-synaptic membrane. The chemical released into the synaptic cleft is called a neurotransmitter. This literally means transmits an electrical impulse.



This RLO has a spoken narration. NB: This animation has a spoken narration, so you'll need headphones or speakers.


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