Browse by person: videos involving Martin Binks.

(Nottingham University Business School)

Videos 1 - 10 of 11     Results pages: 2    Next


Connecting international teaching with research.

"… I've had students that have done projects in Hong Kong and China and Spain. I've had PhD…"

3 min 49s video, September 2009.


Course planning: managing modules across campuses.

"… If you are a Nottingham academic in the UK and the school which has got the participation of overseas campus is…"

3 min 54s video, November 2009.


Globalisation and a university education.

"… It's not just international students and thinking about the international students but actually, it's a much wider process and…"

4 min 13s video, November 2009.


Idiomatic language in teaching.

"… I remember one particular incident, I do some lectures on composite materials, and there…"

1 min 36s video, September 2009.


Preparing groups to manage themselves.

"… I have to spend a bit of time at the beginning of the first four lectures talking to the whole group, or rather…"

5 min 25s video, November 2009.


Reciprocity: learning from the international experience.

"… I think the reciprocity thing operates at a number of different levels, so we could talk about a very macro…"

4 min 33s video, September 2009.


Sharing resources on modules taught across campuses.

"… Initially we were coming at things from a very different perspective because the people teaching the module on…"

3 min 25s video, November 2009.


The staff experience of learning from internationalisation.

"… Certainly teaching in other countries, which I've done quite a bit of, you learn a huge amount because there…"

4 min 21s video, September 2009.


Strategies to address a reluctance to ask questions in lectures.

"… People are often too shy to raise issues, but one of the things that I tend to do periodically through the lectures…"

5 min 55s video, November 2009.


Student projects in an international context.

"… Some of the time, some of the topic areas, I do bring cultural issues, as a limitation for the research so far.…"

4 min 30s video, November 2009.


Videos 1 - 10 of 11     Results pages: 2    Next


Dr Rachel Scudamore

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