Browse by person: videos involving Nicola Pitchford.

(School of Psychology)

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Approaches to studying for learning at university.

"… I thought, well, in a minute, you know, we've done all this sort of paper planning and people and equipment…"

4 min 10s video, November 2009.


Clarifying assessment criteria and setting expectations.

"… I think in Nigeria the years of your performance are equally weighted, every year so, for example, if you are doing a…"

5 min 3s video, November 2009.


Connecting international teaching with research.

"… I've had students that have done projects in Hong Kong and China and Spain. I've had PhD…"

3 min 49s video, September 2009.


Giving a broader perspective using culturally varied examples.

"… When we come to content, clearly, you could talk to a physicist who's going to say, well, you know, the laws of…"

4 min 28s video, November 2009.


International perspectives broaden a class debate.

"… What do you get out of a discussion? Eric Masika: I get different views of how to look at same thing. We're looking at…"

4 min 28s video, November 2009.


Providing a cultural context to the discipline.

"… Well, I suppose, the issue for me in business is that, if you look at the origins of business education, it's…"

5 min 33s video, November 2009.


Reading academic papers: participation in tutorials.

"… I get them to go to the library and to make a copy of an academic journal article. It's…"

4 min 33s video, September 2009.


Reciprocity: learning from the international experience.

"… I think the reciprocity thing operates at a number of different levels, so we could talk about a very macro…"

4 min 33s video, September 2009.


The staff experience of learning from internationalisation.

"… Certainly teaching in other countries, which I've done quite a bit of, you learn a huge amount because there…"

4 min 21s video, September 2009.


Student projects in an international context.

"… Some of the time, some of the topic areas, I do bring cultural issues, as a limitation for the research so far.…"

4 min 30s video, November 2009.


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Dr Rachel Scudamore

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