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Critical thinking: developing students' independence.

In conversation with: Samer Alkassar (Nottingham University Business School), Christopher Barnatt, Mike Clifford, Jane Evison, Rebecca Moor, Richard Pemberton. Produced: November 2009; Duration: 4 minutes : 45 seconds.

Video no longer available

Short paper

The culture of 'critical thinking' examines western ideas about "critical thinking" and explores the possibility of the notion as a cultural concept. Notions of "critical thinking" evident in the UK are unpacked, and the implications of getting to grips with what academics mean by critical thinking, for learners entering higher education both from home and abroad, are considered. Ideas about approaches to teaching critical skills are also briefly considered. The paper makes use of the work of Professor Ron Barnett (1997), a UK academic who has examined the idea and role of critical thinking in relation to higher education.
... more from The culture of 'critical thinking'.

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Dr Rachel Scudamore

Learning from Internationalisation © Copyright The University of Nottingham
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