Browse by person: videos involving David Clarke.

(School of Psychology)

Videos 1 - 7 of 7    


Clarifying assessment criteria and setting expectations.

"… I think in Nigeria the years of your performance are equally weighted, every year so, for example, if you are doing a…"

5 min 3s video, November 2009.


Graduate qualities: transferable skills and intercultural competence.

"… I think the thing that the best university students do in my view and what marks them out, is that they ask…"

3 min 54s video, November 2009.


The lecturer-student relationship.

"… If you look at the Indian culture, technically, our teachers supposed to be as God for us. We have this thing, you know, the…"

5 min 14s video, November 2009.


Mixing international students and home students for small group study.

"…  Talking to international students, the ones I've discussed this with, they are quite strongly of the view that they…"

2 min 53s video, November 2009.


Providing a cultural context to the discipline.

"… Well, I suppose, the issue for me in business is that, if you look at the origins of business education, it's…"

5 min 33s video, November 2009.


Tutorials: participation and creativity using nominal group technique.

"… I've got several kind of set piece formats which I use. One of them is something that comes…"

3 min 54s video, September 2009.


Valuing the student voice: the tutorless tutorial.

"… I'm particularly mindful of the difficulty of getting everybody to participate in a way they're comfortable with,…"

1 min 45s video, November 2009.


Videos 1 - 7 of 7    


Dr Rachel Scudamore

Learning from Internationalisation © Copyright The University of Nottingham
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