Browse by person: videos involving Rebecca Moor.

(School of Law)

Videos 1 - 5 of 5    


Critical thinking: developing students' independence.

"… My sense is that they come to study law here and they're expecting someone to say Okay, welcome to law school.…"

4 min 45s video, November 2009.


Learning academic writing and skills of argument.

"… Our good students really get the element of discussion and critical debate and argument into their essays and…"

5 min 47s video, November 2009.


National subject specifications and the international context.

"… We've always taught sort of UK spec on everything from health and safety through to patent…"

3 min 33s video, September 2009.


Students working in a second language.

"… I think language is the most important thing. No matter to your school mates, to your…"

5 min 30s video, September 2009.


Study skills support for international students.

"… Students can either make appointments to come see me one on one or in a group, and throughout the year, I also…"

4 min 30s video, September 2009.


Videos 1 - 5 of 5    

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Dr Rachel Scudamore

Learning from Internationalisation © Copyright The University of Nottingham
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