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Integrating students from across campuses.

"… I've done quite a lot of student interviews as part of my research and I find a real variety in students, in…"

4 min 45s video by Stephanie Bridges et al., November 2009.


International perspectives broaden a class debate.

"… What do you get out of a discussion? Eric Masika: I get different views of how to look at same thing. We're looking at…"

4 min 28s video by Eric Masika et al., November 2009.


Learning academic writing and skills of argument.

"… Our good students really get the element of discussion and critical debate and argument into their essays and…"

5 min 47s video by Iain Coyne et al., November 2009.


The lecturer-student relationship.

"… If you look at the Indian culture, technically, our teachers supposed to be as God for us. We have this thing, you know, the…"

5 min 14s video by Swetha Akhnoor et al., November 2009.


Mixing international students and home students for small group study.

"…  Talking to international students, the ones I've discussed this with, they are quite strongly of the view that they…"

2 min 53s video by David Clarke et al., November 2009.


National subject specifications and the international context.

"… We've always taught sort of UK spec on everything from health and safety through to patent…"

3 min 33s video by Mike Clifford et al., September 2009.


Preparing groups to manage themselves.

"… I have to spend a bit of time at the beginning of the first four lectures talking to the whole group, or rather…"

5 min 25s video by Martin Binks, November 2009.


Providing a cultural context to the discipline.

"… Well, I suppose, the issue for me in business is that, if you look at the origins of business education, it's…"

5 min 33s video by Chris Ennew et al., November 2009.


Reading academic papers: participation in tutorials.

"… I get them to go to the library and to make a copy of an academic journal article. It's…"

4 min 33s video by Nicola Pitchford, September 2009.


Reciprocity: learning from the international experience.

"… I think the reciprocity thing operates at a number of different levels, so we could talk about a very macro…"

4 min 33s video by Chris Ennew et al., September 2009.


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Dr Rachel Scudamore

Learning from Internationalisation © Copyright The University of Nottingham
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